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A medieval-style blacksmith makes his way in modern Galway

Dave had come to Galway in the hopes of inspiration. People always talked about how it was a medieval city, so he expected to get some great ideas for his renaissance fair blacksmithing booth, but so far he was having no luck. Oh sure, Galways was charming enough with its buskers and quaint coffee shops, but where was the medieval drama?

Dave's hopes were sparked when he saw an ax and sword crossed half way up a building. He rushed down the little street and looked for their source, but he found only a pub with a pipe shop across from it. Disappointed that he couldn't find inspiration on his own, he decided to ask a local for where to get medieval inspiration.

One woman pointed him to a marriage stone above a nearby shop. She told him that the city kept uncovering these and preserving them. She wasn't sure whose marriage exactly this stone was honoring, but that she thought it was an interesting bit of history. Dave thanked her, but it wasn't really what he was looking for.

Another man he ran into directed him to the Hall of the Red Earl. That sounded promising to Dave and he excitedly followed the directions the man had given him. He was disappointed to find only stone remains of the hall. He had expected more since he'd been told the Red Earl built Galway on taxes and tolls, surely that would've meant lavish goods?

Finally he asked another woman who directed him to the Spanish Arch and the Galway City Museum. The Spanish Arch gave him hope. It helped set the mood and even though it was a piece of stone work, its military defensive nature had Dave feeling inspired.

He then walked into the museum and found more than he bargained for. There was a gigantic sword and Dave rushed to it. Despite its age, it gleamed bright silver. It had a wide, slightly curved hilt that seemed to declare its greatness. The sheath was on display too and it was a lovely dark shade of garnet with metal detailing. The work was so intricate and grand; Dave immediately started snapping pictures of it.

He then drew his attention to the great mace next to it. He knew it was likely just ceremonial, due to its intricate detailing and artistic rendering, but he also got the great sense of power that emanated from it. If a man walked down the street carrying that, people would surely clear a path for him. It looked like it had some heft to it and could easily have been turned into a real weapon.

After snapping some pictures of the mace as well, Dave took out his sketch book. At first he started sketching while standing, but quickly found that a difficult angle. He looked around quickly and, finding that the museum wasn't very busy early on a Wednesday afternoon, he sat down on the floor and began to draw again. From that angle, the size of the two pieces impressed him even more. He could occasionally get up and crouch next to the display so he could make sketches of some of the details that you couldn't see from a distance.

Later, Dave moved through the museum and sketched out a few more ideas for symbols to work into his own pieces. He was able to find old patterns and ideas that had been worked into other old works like pottery that he thought he could render well in metal. Besides, he figured he was allowed to take a little bit of creative license and there was no proof that those figures hadn't been rendered in metal as well.

Dave ended up leaving Galway with the great inspiration he had come looking for. Over the next few months, he worked hard to replicate and improve on the designs he saw at the museum. When he presented his new work at the next renaissance fair, he smiled as he took in all of the compliments. When asked where he got his ideas from he just grinned and said, "The city of tribes."

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)


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