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A wood nymph forsakes her tree home for a moss home

Her parents never would approve, she knew this. They saw living on moss as beneath the typical status of a wood nymph. While they were literally correct, Luna had always thought moss was more comfortable. Still, she had to do what was best for her.

Her tree home had a gorgeous view, this she would miss. The far and wide view of the woods, being able to easily see long distances. She felt she really could see the forest for the grand beauty it was. The sweeping shades of various greens wavering int he wind. The air was clean and crisp up here and she could watch birds soar across the sky.

As Luna packed the last of her things into the wooden crates, she wondered how much she'd really miss it. There wasn't time to change her mind, however. She had given up this home and had settled for one among the moss.

She attached her crates to a series of levers and pulleys that would lower them safely down. As she watched them go, she thought it did seem such a far way down. Her fluttering down after them didn't change this opinion.

She stared back up the massive trunk of the tree she used to live in and took in its grandeur. It was a mighty tree and it felt sturdy despite how it swayed in the wind. It had been home, but that time was done.

Luna quickly stopped staring at her old home and began settling in to her new one. It was soft and a luscious green. Every bit of her home was comfortable and filled with color. From here she saw things completely differently. The forest had an herbaceous smell that dissipated higher up and the air was also filled with dew just waiting for the morning.

And down in her moss home Luna could look out and see so many different kinds of plants, not just tree tops. There were colorful flowers and thorny bushes and almost furry ferns. There was so much more down here. She was seeing the forest for all of the lovely things that made it up.

As she spread out her things in her new home, she kept making a move to tie things down so they wouldn't be swept away by the wind or be overtaken by a seemingly sudden shift in gravity, only to remember that she didn't have to do that down here. There was no where for things to fall, except perhaps for off of a shelf. It felt much more secure among the moss.

Her parents had always said moss was so common and unseemly, that it would grow anywhere. But Luna never saw what was really wrong with that. It meant that moss was strong and resilient. Besides, how could her parents tell here that trees weren't common in the woods? You'd think they never really saw outside their own tree home.

Luna loved the feel of the moss beneath her feet. It was incredibly soft and it didn't seem hurt by her walking along it. Layers of it would keep her cozy at night in her new bed and the layers on the walls would keep out any sounds that were too loud. She knew that this home would be one of comfort, warmth, and security.

Luna figured her uppity parents would just have to learn to live with the fact that their daughter had forsaken her tree home for a new one on the ground, moss and all.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)


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