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Pocket adventure

I had been in desperate need for new jeans for a while, but I hated spending the money. My previous jeans had gotten torn or scraped and really just weren't suitable anymore, but I still didn't want to buy new ones. Finally, after some egging on from friends, I went to a thrift store to look for some. It took a while, but I finally found a comfy pair that wasn't about to fall apart. Happily I bought them and went home.

As I always did with clothes from thrift shops, I decided to wash the jeans before I wore them out. Thrift stores always say that they've cleaned everything, but who knows if they did and, even if they did, how many people have tried them on since they were cleaned? As I was about to put the jeans in the washing machine I, out of habit with my other pairs of pants, reached into the pockets to clear out any junk. I found a slip of paper, but I first put it aside as I started up the wash.

After the washing machine got going, I grabbed the piece of paper again. It said: "Congratulations on finding the next clue, treasure hunters! I know these jeans aren't the treasure you seek, but hopefully this next clue will get you one step closer. To find the next clue, you need to return to where the jeans were bought, find my old pal, Rover, who is just a few doors down, and ask him to speak. He will provide your next clue."

I stood in my laundry day pants, a very comfy pair of pajama pants with Homer Simpson on them, and was baffled. I didn't know what treasure hunter this note writer was trying to talk to. What if I had ruined some sort of kids game or even one of the geocaching things I had always heard about? Now there were going to be some very confused people who were just trying to have some fun.

I resolved that, once my pants were dry, I would go back to the thrift store (I really didn't have anything else to wear besides my pajama pants and I did not relish the idea of going outside in them). I found that I wanted some company for the trip or at least to share this wacky story, but I realized I couldn't think of anyone to call.

After what felt like far too long, I put my new jeans on (they were still very comfortable) and headed back to the thrift shop. As I walked there, I wasn't sure exactly what I would say to people. Whom would I bring the note to? Would they think I'm crazy? Although, I eventually reasoned, if this was an organized thing, surely the organizer told someone who works there about it. Someone would know what I was talking about.

I walked through the doors to the thrift shop and saw that it was unusually busy. Glancing back at the door before I let it close, I saw that they had a sale going on. All of the attendants looked busy and there was a long line at the check out counter. Not knowing what else to do, I got in line at the check out counter and decided I would just wait my turn. As the line slowly moved, I also noticed something else odd.

On top of the flurry of sale shoppers, appeared to be a family of five grabbing at every pair of pants they could find. As I watched them more, I saw that the three kids would bring the pairs of pants to their dads and then set out for more pairs. The dads, I saw finally, were going through the pockets.

I was relieved. This must be the treasure hunters, I thought. I got out of line (to the relief of the people who had fallen in behind me) and approached the family of five, who were still so in a flurry that they didn't notice me approach.

"Excuse me," I said quietly.

One of the dads turned to look at me, an expression of amusement and apology on his face, "I'm sorry, I know we're making a bit of a mess, but really-"

"No," I interrupted, "I actually don't work here. I see I bought these pair of jeans yesterday and I think I may have found what your'e looking for." I handed him the note and saw his smile widen.

"Kids! Come here, I think we found the next clue," he called out. His three kids ran excitedly over and his husband moved to stand behind him so they could all read the note at once.

"Hrmmm Rover," said the man. "What could that mean."

The oldest of the three kids suddenly looked up with bright eyes, "There's that pet shop down the street. It always has a dog statue outside of it with an open mouth! Maybe the clue is there!"

"Great idea, treasure hunter," said the man, ruffling the kid's hair.

They dumped the pile of jeans and began to move towards the door. As they walked past me, still standing awkwardly nearby, the other man turned to me and smiled. "Care to join us? I think we have room for another treasure hunter, right kids?"

The kids all smiled eagerly and nodded their heads.

"I'm in," I said, smiling and following the family to the pet shop.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)


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