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Lauren brainstorm

Okay so I'm going to continue Lauren's story. If you wanna read what I have so far, go here:

Here are some ideas of where her story could go:

  • Evil company retreat complete with team building exercises
  • Someone filing an HR complaint successfully (maybe sexual harassment because even the supervillain thinks that's too vile)
  • Someone filing an HR complaint unsuccessfully (wants more knick knack allowances for her desk)
  • Bring your daughter to work day (but she brings her niece)
  • The story of her promotion (people ahead of her were put in cells and one was killed in a superhero's storming of the complex)
  • Bring a pet to work day which causes many HR complaints
  • HR policy meetings (maybe about how much to spend on staff birthdays and other parties) that maybe lead to some jailings and/or injuries
  • A superhero rushes in to save her and she casually dispatches him to the cells below the complex
  • Employee of the month awards (and maybe accompanying ceremony)
  • Having to give a tour of the complex to new employees (perhaps dispatching poor ones like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or weeding out spies) (maybe a school group tour teenagers or college students)
  • Having an OSHA visit
  • Has to inspect safety measures around the complex (manual handling course)
  • Helps with security inspections to be sure employees feel comfortable with the new measures
  • Tax season is upon the complex (has to help the corporate office with inquiries as well as employees and then has to file her own taxes and figure out what to expense)
  • For tone, think of some of the bad place ideas from The Good Place e.g. the complex offers frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
  • Thinking of The Good Place maybe have a little on sight museum with exhibits about the supervillain's accomplishments and things the complex has achieved
Some additional ideas about Lauren:
  • Her sister doesn't know exactly what she does, but chalks it up to not understanding the corporate world and its jargon
  • Despite not discussing work, she and her sister are close
  • Her sister is fairly naive, but appreciates all the help with raising Quinn
  • Quinn's father was an employee at the complex, but was put in the cells for trying to take over. Lauren's sister believes he's run out on them and Lauren thinks it's good riddance
  • Has a few work friends, but since her promotion it's been a bit difficult to maintain their friendship
  • Doesn't like work parties etc. but does them because it's her job and her boss seems to like them
  • Has a pet snake (maybe a yellow ball python like the one in that Britney Spears performance and, in fact, that's where Lauren got the idea for the pet)
  • Favorite color is yellow
  • Wants Rey to join the dark side and thinks it's more practical
  • In terms of movie opinions thinks of Barney in HIMYM (Lauren's sister finds this funny and quirky rather than a cause for concern)
  • Has a motorcycle which makes her niece think she's very cool (has a side car for her niece)
  • Also has minivan for when she has to drive carpool for her niece's soccer team
(Prompt by me)
Photo source:


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