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15 things you can do in the wake of the latest shootings

Please note that I don't mean to suggest that now is the first time that action has been needed (because clearly change has been needed for a very long time), but if you're feeling like me maybe you want to think of ways you can do something now. I know that not everyone can do all or even some of these things and I am far from an expert, but if your'e looking for ideas, here are some places to start.
  1. Be sure you're taking care of yourself. I know I can get caught up in thinking that other issues are more important, but the reality is that if you're not taking care of yourself you are not going to be able to give as much as you'd like. There's not point driving yourself into the ground. Now this can mean a lot of things, but right now I'd say to figure out what kind and how much coverage of the shootings you want to engage with. Perhaps it works better for you to read articles rather than see footage from the shootings or maybe it means taking a break from the coverage altogether. Whatever you need to do, take care of yourself.
  2. Call your representatives. Even if your representatives are expressing the desire for the changes you want, it's good to call them to know their actions are supported. Not sure how to be in touch? Visit to find your reps' contact information.
  3. Donate and/or spread the word about donating to March for Our Lives:
  4. Join March for Our Lives:
  5. If you are able to, donate blood. Even if you don't live near one of the mass shootings, sadly you likely live near other violent crimes. Here's how to find a drive: Also, for those in the El Paso area, Lyft is offering free transportation to donate blood:
  6. Donate and/or spread the word about donating to the El Paso Victims' Fund:
  7. Donate and/or spread the word about donating to the Dayton Victims' Fund:
  8. Pay attention to what candidates and current politicians are saying. I would suggest to focus on the candidates and politicians that you can vote for (not to say to turn a blind eye to what others are saying, but it's good to know what the people you could vote for are saying).  A lot of candidates have been weighing in, read their words, listen to their statements, and see if one (or more) aligns with what you want. This way you can go into the next elections with a good perspective.
  9. Donate to or volunteer for a candidate you believe will make the change you want. This in no way has to be immediate as I know there is a forum coming up so some candidates may say or suggest additional opinions. 
  10. Spread the word about psychological services. Note that I'm not saying this as a suggestion that those committing these crimes are mentally ill, rather I'm suggesting it as people who are victims of these crimes may now need psychological help. I recently learned about FQHCs (Federally Qualified Health Centers). Here's a way to find an FQHC: Here are some other ways to find mental health care that is affordable:
  11. Check our organizations in your state working to end gun violence:
  12. Donate and/or spread the word about donating to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:
  13. Sign the petition to tell McConnell to call the senate back into session and pass real changes:
  14. Spread the word of some resources for victims and victims' families:
  15. Donate and/or spread the word about donating to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America:
I'm sure there are more, but these are the things I found.

(Prompt by me)


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