I have another session coming up Friday! I don't think my party reads my blog. If you do--STOP IT! I'm going to copy and paste a lot of my last posts so I can build on it. I also had two other DMs help with this.
- At the capital
- Go straight to castle
- Meet with the queen right away
- Followed by formal dinner
- Poisoning at dinner. Maybe a warning sign so they all get sick?
- Can try to go talk to the queen
- The prince won't let them in
- The prince feels fine (his bowl wasn't poisoned)
- The prince is the heir apparent and thus is in charge and is forbidding access
- He is also enforcing a lockdown and the party will be taken to their rooms (can choose to share if they desire)
- A royal doctor is seeing the queen
- Can go talk to Elmonia
- Not super willing to talk because she is feeling more okay and is competetive
- Elmonia has met the royal doctor and can direct them to him DC18
- Can direct them to Alleera, but DC 18 to help
- Can describe symptoms
- Nausea
- Fever
- Can go talk to Radfin
- He feels great and doesn't know anything
- Can help them find the royal doctor because he's explored the castle since being here, DC 10 to convince him to help (or DC 5 if they offer booze/a party)
- Can direct them to Alleera's room DC 10 (with advantage if they say they want to help Alleera)
- Can go talk to Alleera
- Willing to talk because not feeling well so competition is forgotten
- Will be seen by the royal doctor so can talk to the royal doctor then
- Will found out symptoms
- Vomiting and nausea
- Abdominal pains
- Fever
- Can go to Dante and Virgil
- They can help sneak about the castle, but will be discovered if caught and the prince won't be too interested in helping them (though Durogark will so the prince will let Durograk investigate)
- Three other bastards
- Elmonia Maglynn, elf, cleric, female, cunning, ambitious, lawful neutral
- Radfin Preswynn, human, barbarian, male, gruff, partyer, crude, chaotic good
- Alleera Mosshelm, half-elf, ranger, nonbinary, quiet, observant, true neutral
- First morning
- The queen calls just the adventuring party in to discuss the events of last night
- She sends everyone else out of the room except for her loyal guards
- She admits that she suspected her brother of being the culprit behind the mass death of their family
- Admits that she made this big sleep plot to find other monarch options for Riocht
- Admits that she was most impressed by Poem in the trials she put them through
- But Radfin was a close second
- Asks if they think they can trust the other bastards
- Offers to distract them and have them search their rooms
- Asks if they have proof of the prince's crimes
- Asks if they can trust their friends that they brought (see below for more nothics options)
- Asks if they can be trusted to deal with other problems in town
- Eventually get to the trouble at the Drab Yak but only after Alleera bursts in
- Alleera bursts in and announces they're leaving. They're still sick though so the queen urges them to stay until they're better
- Alleera consents, but is frightened of being killed
- Alleera's fear frightens Abarat
- Abarat always suspected that the plague was actually murder and fears being murdered as part of the larger plot
- These two will work each other up and require persuasion checks of DC 15 to stay
- First evening
- In the prince's chambers
- Try to leave fake poison
- Can try and charm the prince (he does have advantage against it)
- If he finds out he's been charmed, he will have his guard attack
- Prince will not abide them being in his chambers for long
- Will run into Durogark as they leave
- Somewhat chilly response to seeing them
- Explains he left Baile after defending it for them
- Explains the prince requested religious counsel due to his unexpected temporary seat on the throne
- DC 15 on their way back to their room for the Kobold encounter below
- Be sent to rooms (can choose to stay together or separately)
- Hear strange noises in the night (DC 15)
- 2 Kobolds have gotten into the castle
- Named Zek (green) and Zuks (purple)
- Can give information about a network of tunnels underneath the capital
- Can give information about the Drab Yak
- Must fight them or befriend them
- Could be spies for them
- Hear conspiring in the night (DC 20)
- Musician plot
- Must be talked about vaguely
- Prince annoyed that it was thwarted so completely
- "Monstrous consequences for the lyrical couple."
- Big sleep plot
- Must be talked about vaguely
- Durogark
- "Family reunions can be complex. Perhaps it's best not all are in attendance."
- "We rescued some from nightmares."
- "Warnings were thwarted in Baile."
- Explore the castle
- Other bedrooms
- Find the rooms of the other bastards
- Other bedrooms are locked up tight
- Can learn about them, but might get caught
- Elmon Maglynn, elf, cleric, male, cunning, ambitious, lawful neutral
- DC15 to open the door
- Find evidence of being a cleric of Oghma. Carries a blank scroll. DC15 to know what this means.
- Random book generator
- Random loot
- Radfin Preswynn, human, barbarian, nonbinary, gruff, crude, chaotic good
- DC10 to open the door
- Find weapons
- Crude handwritten erotica
- Random loot
- Alleera Mosshelm, half-elf, ranger, female, quiet, observant, true neutral
- DC15 to open the door
- Find items from the forest, pinecone, rock, pressed butterfly
- Random loot
- Library
- Random book generator
- Imagine the library from Beauty and the Beast but with dark wood and candles instead of natural light that would damage the books more
- Dungeons
- Empty at the moment
- Dreary, dank, smells foul
- Can find guard to befriend
- Randomly choose which from the court by having a player roll a D4
- Council chamber
- Find some member of the court burning the midnight oil
- Chance to befriend
- Roll a D20 to see who (loop back if you have to, too hard to count all of those people, skip the knights)
- Other rooms are locked up too tight
- Stay in bed
- Roll D20
- 1-5: No dream
- 6-10: Boring dream
- 11-15: Good dream
- 16-20: Wildly amazing dream
- Go to pub The Sparkling Parrots
- Two humans who work at the Drab Yak inquire about jobs at The Sparkling Parrots because the Drab Yak is always such a mess in the morning. They say that the owner is advertising for more help.
- The Drab Yak, the smaller of the two largest pubs in town, is advertising kitchen help
- Location: The Drab Yak NPC: Butch Marcle, Male Half-Orc Reward: 20 gold plus room & board Quest: Butch is former Sergeant turned tavern owner. He prides himself on running a clean and respectable business. (This should be surprising to players based on how dirty his job posting was! Turns out that the posting has been up for a long time.) For the past few months, Butch has been under attack. Something is sneaking into his kitchen nearly every night, stealing food and making a mess! The place is locked up tight each night. There is no way anything is getting in through the doors or windows. Butch has set traps, waited up, and even hired other adventurers, but nothing has worked! If word gets out he has a…*gulp*…pest issue, it would ruin him! If you can find whatever it is and put an end to its late-night foraging, Butch will gladly give you 20 gold and a free place to stay when you visit the city!
- The Encounter: A Rogue Kobold. This kobold has been separated from its clan (during a chaotic storm when its clan fled the area) and has chosen to live under the Drab Yak Tavern. The kobold has created an entire lair under the tavern with a tunneling system that spans nearly the entire town! It has been sneaking in and stealing from all the taverns in town, collecting a tiny hoard of odds and ends. The kobold has an entrance to Butch’s kitchen from a tunnel under a loose stone slab on the floor (DC 15 Investigation/Perception). This tunnel is small, easy for the kobold to move through, but difficult for larger creatures
- Options! For this quest the party has some options. They can choose to: *Kill the kobold *Convince the Kobold to join them and leave to find a new clan *Convince the kobold it is wrong to steal and he should help Butch out to pay for what he takes
- Go site-seeing
- Royal Theatre
- Temple of Oghma
- Royal Zoo
- Sculpture garden
- Shopping
- Ask if they want to go shopping
- Ask what they'd like to do in the capital
- They have now befriended the nothics
- Can take with them to the capital
- Can have them stay somewhere near the capital
- Can reveal to the temple that they befriended them or not
- Can ask the Temple of Apollo for help with them
- Perhaps with enough exposure to the group, their alignment can change to neutral, but this will require some more natural 20 rolls
- No matter what, here are things they can do with them
- Bring them to the queen for help
- She would send them to the Tower of Baile in honor of the Baile guests to help them seek the knowledge they need
- Bring them to the prince for help
- He would send them to Durogark
- Bring them to Durogark for help
- He would love to use them for their knowledge and would work out a deal that they could keep gaining him knowledge while he looks for a cure
- Bring them to a temple for help
- With high enough persuasion (DC 15), they can convince a temple to take them in and help them search for knowledge
- If the persuasion fails, they will call for the city guard to help them deal with these creaturesf
- Have them stay as is and be companions
- The queen will have trouble accepting them and they will have trouble hiding them
- If they are found out and not revealed, they will be removed from the castle
- Have them stay as is and be friends nearby
- They could be important for future quests
- Have them stay with Millenis
- She would share her knowledge with them but the danger in this is that she would grow bored of them and set them loose again
- Have them go on a quest for the knowledge
- They can pick a tower to journey to and whichever they pick will have the answer (though they won't know that)
- Make similar puzzles for the tower as the intellectual in the tower will want to make sure they're worthy of receiving knowledge
- Have them each dig for knowledge and a DC18 to find it on their own. It will take as many days as it takes to get to an 18 to find it. Make up other knowledge that they will find at other levels.
- After finding the knowledge, they must journey back to the Temple of Apollo to perform the ceremony.
- Must convince Father Jesep to let them perform the ceremony
- DC 18
- DC 10 if they agree to let others witness it
- The ceremony requires arranging the bones of old wizards in a pentagram (DC 15 performance) and casting kind magic on the Nothics (open to interpretation)
- The ceremony must be performed in undercommon, so they must also obtain a book of undercommon (can be found in the capital as well as at the tower, but another DC 18 for them to find)
- Once the ceremony is performed, two very old and tired wizards reemerge and dedicate their lives to helping other Nothics and are eternally grateful to the adventurers. The adventurers will also gain the support of the wizarding community.
- The larger one is a half-orc named Branax (female)
- The smaller one is an elf named Artin Genharice (agender)
- Is there a cure?
- Let's cheat and say there is a cure, but it's been lost to common knowledge and will take time to find
(Prompt by me)
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