Original prompt: The best boss you've ever worked for was good because...
- They were kind
- They went out of their way to tell me that I should tell them if authors were being difficult, rude, or inappropriate
- They held check ins about my career progress
- They were supportive when I said I was going to grad school
- They spoke kindly of me to others
- They were supportive of others
- They acquired good books
- They rarely asked me to do an unreasonable amount of work
- They were especially kind when they did have to ask me to do an unreasonable amount of work
- They were a clear communicator
- They listened to me complain
- They trusted me
- I trusted them
- They criticized gently
- I was proud to work for them
(Prompt provided by Amelia Sacco)
"Nero Wolfe 1" by jan saudek
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