It remains an interesting place!
- I got a tote bag
- There was a selfie station set up
- I found a book titled Useful Bullshit
- I discovered many books on China
- The morning coffee break had red velvet cake
- The mini beach balls were being given away
- I awkwardly had to explain that when I said someone could take a book away today, I meant that they could pay for it and take it away (my poor phrasing)
- I had to use a map to find food
- The Mexican restaurant was closed for lunch (but open for dinner!)
- I saw a lady with a mask that matched her shirt
- I sat by the back of a book with Trump and Putin's face staring at me
- I talked about dogs with my booth neighbor
- I got restaurant recommendations from an attendee
- Someone stacked the Jenga tiles wrong and it irked me
- The Connect Four board filled up cause no one figured out how to release the game pieces
(Prompt by me)
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