I'm going to try and hide this from my players, but if you're a player and have opened this, please stop! I'm copying from my previous post to expand upon it.
- Capital: Nesoi City
- Patron deity: Nesoi
- Other cities
- Achlys
- Town
- Sketchy reputation
- Aether
- City
- Chronos
- City
- Known for clockwork machinery
- Erebus
- Town
- Sketchy reputation
- Eros
- City
- Local matchmaking festival that all come to
- Hemera
- Town
- Hypnos
- Town
- Known as a restful town
- Nemesis
- City
- Where military is trained
- Nyx
- Vacation town
- Known for night life
- Ourea
- Town
- Pontus
- City
- Thanatos
- City
- Ouranós
- City
- Scientific capital
- Ancient Greek influence
- Gods (drawn from Ancient Greek pantheon, but not full pantheon is represented)
- Achlys: The goddess of poisons.
- Aether: The god of light.
- Chronos: The god of time
- Erebus: The god of darkness and shadow
- Eros: The god of love and attraction.
- Hemera: The goddess of day.
- Hypnos: The god of sleep.
- Nemesis: The goddess of retribution.
- Nesoi: The goddesses of islands.
- Nyx: The goddess of night.
- Ourea: The gods of mountains.
- Pontus: The god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures.
- Thanatos: The god of death.
- Ouranós: The god of the heavens
- Each city or town named for its patron deity
- Government style
- Oligarchy
- Each city has its own council elected by the people in the city
- Each council elects one of its members to serve at the council in Nesoi that meets twice a year
- Capital: Isiset City
- Patron deities: Isis and Set
- Other cities
- Anubihorus
- Patron deities: Anubis and Horus
- Apepbek
- Patron deities: Apep and Sobek
- Imhotepfertum
- Patron deities: Imhotep and Nefertum
- Maatbastet
- Patron deities: Maat and Bastet
- Thothserket
- Patron deities: Thoth and Serket
- Ancient Egyptian influence
- Gods (drawn from Ancient Egyptian pantheon, but not full pantheon is represented)
- Anubis: The deity of embalming and protector of the dead
- Apep: God of chaos
- Bastet: Goddess represented as a cat or lioness, linked with protection from evil
- Horus: Linked with the sky, the sun, kingship, protection, and healing
- Imhotep: God of healing
- Maat: Goddess who personified truth, justice, and order
- Nefertum: Goddess of perfume and beauty
- Serket: A scorpion goddess, invoked for healing and protection
- Sobek: God of power, fertility, and military prowess
- Thoth: A moon god, and a god of writing and scribes
- Government style
- Theocracy ruled by eldest two siblings of eldest ruler
- Unless twins are born and then they are the rulers
- Little known about it due to its mountain range
- Not much contact with other nations
- Capital: Elyemyentüd
- Other cities
- Agaar
- Us
- Gal
- Delkhii
- Gods
- Agaar: goddess of air
- Us: goddess of water
- Gal: god of fire
- Delkhii: god of earth
- Mongolian influence
- Nomadic culture
Papatūānuku and Ranginui
- Maori influence
- Monarchy ruled by a married couple equally
- Rule passed to eldest child and their spouse
- Gods (drawn from Maori pantheon, but not full pantheon is represented)
- Papatūānuku: The Earth Mother
- Ranginui: The Sky Father
- Tāne-mahuta: God of forests and birds
- Tāwhirimātea: God of weather, wind, and lighting
- Haumia-tiketike: God of uncultivated food
- Rongomātane: God of cultivated plants
- Tangaroa: God of sea
- Tūmatauenga: God of war and hunting
- Rūaumoko: God of earthquakes
- Rehua: Star god with the power to heal
- Not much contact with other nations
- Matriarchal society
- Men stay home except when the child is breastfeeding, women go to work
- Government style
- Aristocracy
- Noble class rules
- 11 ruling families: one that represents each god
- Captial: Viracocha
- Other cities:
- Inti
- Pacha
- Cocha
- Coca
- Supay
- Sara
- lllapa
- Coyllur
- Wasikamayuq
- Apus
- Incan influence
- Gods (drawn from Incan pantheon, but not full pantheon is represented)
- Viracocha: Creator goddess
- Inti: God of the sun
- Pacha Mama: Goddess of the earth
- Mama Cocha: Goddess of the sea
- Mama Coca: Goddess of health and happiness
- Supay: God of the dead
- Mama Sara: Goddess of food
- lllapa: God of climate
- Coyllur: Goddess of the moon and stars
- Wasikamayuq: God of home
- Apus: God of the mountains
- Not much contact with other nations
(Prompt by me)
"Ready to Roll" by Benjamin Esham. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).
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