Please feel free to add to this list.
- Donate to March for Our Lives and/or shop their store
- Volunteer for March for Our Lives
- Sign the petition to show your support for universal background checks
- Call your senators to support background checks. You can get started by texting UNIVERSAL to 34131 (you may be redirected to fill out a form online as I was)
- Email your senators to end the filibuster
- Tell your representative to invest in mental health professionals, social workers, and nurses instead of police in schools
- Donate to verified GoFundMes: "GoFundMe has a hub for the Uvalde school shooting. Currently, it lists three fundraisers: one to help with the burial costs of one of the children shot dead, and the other two to raise funds to go directly to the victims’ families." (Grothaus)
- If you are nearby, donate blood. "The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center is asking people to donate blood at an emergency drive today from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Herby Ham Activity Center, 248 FM Rd 3447, Bloodmobile, Uvalde, Texas, 78801. STBT provided blood after the shooting. University Health in San Antonio, Texas, which treated some of the victims, is also asking for blood donations." (Grothaus)
- Donate to the University Health in San Antonio's Uvalde Victim Relief Fund
- Donate to the Fund for Families of Victims and Survivors of the Uvalde School Shooting
- Learn about how your state is on gun laws
- Spread resources verified by March for Our Lives
- Take actions provided by Everytown and/or donate to them
- Take actions provided by Brady and/or donate to them and/or volunteer for them
- Spread the word about information and resources from Moms Demand Action and/or follow their recommended actions
"How to help Uvalde families following yesterday's elementary school shooting," by Rachel Treisman. National Public Radio.
"How to help Uvalde school shooting victims: 4 things you can do right now," by Michael Grothaus. FastCompany.
"Take Action With Us." March for Our Lives.
(Prompt by me)
"Rally to Prevent Gun Violence" by Jay Baker at Annapolis, MD, posted by Maryland GovPics. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
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