I didn't watch live this time.
- Bilal, treat the woman of your dreams better and she will come with you to Jumah
- Let's not refer to Bilal as daddy
- Shaeeda has been clear, Bilal
- I hope Kobe and Emily can move somewhere else
- Oooh I like Emily's purple dress
- I feel like there's too much manure (though I'm far from a horse expert)
- Emily...Kobe is doing fine
- It's almost like two months isn't a significant amount of time
- Jibri and Miona are matching again
- Gas is going to be cheaper where you are now, so you should fill up before getting to Chicago
- Wait wait wait...A COMA???
- Oh Yve has a cartouche
- Mohamed...you have to be okay with Yve not being a Muslim
- Okay Yve, if you're going to a mosque, it's respectful to wear the scarf
- Yve...how are you surprised? Did you do 0 research? Haven't you been to Egypt?
- Aw Mohamed
- How are you affording MMA training, Ari and Biniyam?
- Omg Patrick and Thaís, buckle your seatbelts
- Has Patrick told the cameras about his traumatic past because I don't remember...
- Daveed (per the captions)/David/Dacho has a lot of land (or not)
- Jibri...you could use a day job so you can leave your mom's place
- Why isn't Shaeeda washing her feet in a tub?
- So like Shaeeda should clean up but Bilal is also exaggerating how much water it is
- The empty paper towel roll is annoying me
- Does Bilal actually have OCD is my question
- Wow it's a lot to make Thaís move again so soon
- Idk why Patrick didn't consult Thaís about which house to buy
- I'm not convinced Yve and Mohamed are compatible
- Okay, Yve, your friends did ask some inappropriate questions
- Bini should be taking care of Avi so Ari can focus on working
- Ari...you are absolutely overreacting (also she may have full makeup on because she's on TV)
- Bini isn't yelling, Ari
- I wonder why it's 90 days too, Miona
- Is there a man in a motorcycle helmet? (Yes, he is apparently called Space Ca$h and he's an alien but also a white guy from Iowa)
- Omg Daveed/David/Dacho, just let Jibri text Miona
- Welp this is professional
- Next time Shaeeda crashes a scooter
- Next time Shaeeda and Bilal disagree
- Next time Kara and Guillermo learn how expensive weddings are
- Next time John invites some ladies over
- Next time Kobe and Emily's dad have a serious talk
- Next time Miona goes wedding dress shopping
- Next time Jibri feels pressure
- Next time Yve and Mohamed disagree
(Prompt by me)
90 Day Fiance TLC
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