Original prompt: What dumb things do people say to you on the regular?
- Asking when I'll have kids
- Complaining to me that they're fat when I outweigh them significantly
- Telling me I'm not fat when I am
- Saying I was finally starting a "real job" after I'd already been working fulltime
- Arguing with me about immigration in an ignorant manner
- Writing I'd fucked up their work (in a professional email) when I'd actually saved them a significant amount of work
- Claiming sunlight can't get through windows
- Wondering aloud why I took breaks at work every hour
- Asserting that the snack on the table wasn't spicy at all (when it was super spicy to me)
- Letting me know their off leash dog wasn't friendly
- Inquiring if I was sure I'd never had sex (this was a nurse in college)
- Replying to my anxiety by saying I was being narcissistic
- Lying to me about health
- Calling me ma'am when I was about 23
- Declaring he wasn't trying to learn my work schedule when he clearly was (creeper alert)
(Prompt provided by Brianna Aaron)
"Annoyed" by Dustin and Jennifer Stacey. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
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