Original prompt: What places annoy you and why? I also get creative with the definition of "place".
- The office: I just feel pressure there
- Doctor office: They are somehow ALWAYS behind and more than once it could've been a telehealth visit
- Traffic: Just so frustrating
- Crowded bars: Soooo loud
- Downtown Chicago on St. Patrick's Day: I don't like being surrounded by drunk people
- Post office: There's always a line
- DMV: Lines, lines, lines
- Sports games: Not that I'm there frequently, but I just feel out of place
- Airports: Security tends to stress me out
- Bathroom during a performance: Again, the lines
- The vet: Always late and I can't be with Hoban during most procedures
- On the phone with insurance: I get so frustrated I cry
- Zillow: Just so many places I want but can't have
- Clothing stores: Hard to find my size
- Bra stores: Ditto
(Prompt provided by Brianna Aaron)
"The City" by Herry Lawford. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
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