Maybe one day!
- A Little Red Riding Hood inspired Paladin with a revenge oath against wolves who is very strong and wields an axe but sucks at intelligence and wisdom
- A bard who is like an obnoxious radio DJ
- A warlock whose patron is actually the angel on their shoulder (think the angel saying "Character, no!" and the character saying "Character, yes!")
- A druid who is a crazy cat lady
- A barbarian inspired by the ghost of Christmas Present (aggressively bringing cheer to all)
- A cleric trying to recruit people to definitely a cult where they all marry her
- An awkward warlock who is desperately in love with her patron who is not interested but is super awkward and regrets making the pact
- An air genasi monk as inspired by my first ever D&D character Irea Aire (boy am I creative at names)
- An eladrin warlock whose personality drastically changes with her season whose pact is with a creature of the underworld whom she is in love with (essentially, I'm trying to make a version of Persephone)
- A sea elf bard who isn't very good at singing, but is very good at thwarting other performances (light Ursula inspiration)
- A yuan-ti ranger who loves killing snakes because she resents that people think she is only a snake
- A party animal kenku rogue who uses her mimicking abilities to get into the hottest clubs with passwords she overhears
- A human wizard who uses his powers to force elves to make toys that he just gives away (kinda dark Santa)
- A fighter obsessed with honor and glove slaps people at the slightest provocation and challenges them to a duel (think Homer Simpson when he does the glove slap)
- A dragonborn sorcerer who feels the pressure to bring glory to her bloodline but really just wants to do arts and crafts
(Prompt by me)
"Dungeons and Dragons themed slot machine" by Larry and Laura. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
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