Original prompt: What's one action you could take today that would make your work life easier?
- Write up action items at the end of each meeting and email them out
- Keep my outlook calendar up-to-date
- Write emails to confirm in-person conversations (this will provide a record and lessen confusion)
- Schedule more coffee meetings to get to know people and their roles
- Express my concerns earlier
- Offer to do some things others say they'll do
- Follow-up earlier
- Share more of my life with my coworkers
- Post on Slack more
- Write up detailed plans as well as concerns
- Eat lunch with people more often
- Update my status on Slack more
- Write up ideas for staff bonding activities (even as simple as donut day)
- Suggest creating surveys to improve the employee experience
- Write up ideas to improve training
(Prompt provided by Amelia Sacco)
"Hands Typing on Notebook Computer" by Image Catalog
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