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15 minutes of D&D side quest brainstorming, part 5

So I need to make a side quest for two of my players in the main campaign I run. I copied and pasted my previous post here so I could build on it. I spent way too much time on the actual map and used ChatGPT A TON for the map. For this one, I consulted my DMs for advice. This was also probably more than 15 minutes, but oh well.

  • The hook
    • The goliath council member (Ira Kellouli) who is doing some legwork for them asks for a favor. Her sister, a semi-outcast swamp witch has called for aid. The witch runs a bookstore on the edge of town known for erotica and other devilish delights: her store appears to be haunted
  • The journey to the bookstore
    • Some sort of puzzle path to get there (like a riddle to find the right way)
      • Go west: 
        • Start your journey heading where night's veil retreats,
        • Continue on until you are past all streets,
      • Go south (this is where they'll encounter the tentacles): 
        • Advance compass rose deep,
        • The ground will dampen and water will seep,
        • Careful what goes on beneath those that weep,
      • Go west (will-o-wisps will lead them east):
        • Take care what you think of as a beast,
        • One way you'll find your palms greased,
        • Yet the other is the way that you'll find your knowledge increased,
        • Venture forth until your path is creased
      • Follow the magic beam of light
        • Now begins your trickiest path,
        • For you must carry on or face the swamp witch's wrath,
        • Dip a toe in or take a whole bath,
        • Then, you should be able to follow the lath,
        • Finally, do some math
          • An alligator was given 12 books, a spider was given 24 books, and a mosquito was given 18 books. Based on this information, how many books would be given to a heron? 6 books (3 books/leg)
    • Also a battle with swamp creatures (come up with riddle that hints at each)
      • enormous tentacles (1 green, 1 yellow)
        • Water does not seem deep enough for them
      • will-o-wisps (1 yellow, 1 white)
        • If the players follow, they will lead them to a treasure of 400 gp, but also then attack them.
          • Around the treasure are mossed-over bones
  • The swamp witch (Evdoksia Kellouli)
    • Personality/presentation
      • Flirtatious
      • Constantly talking about her own novels
      • Suspicious, yet excited for new customers
        • Must say that Ira aka "Huggy Buggy" sent them
      • Not quite all there, but just because she gets distracted by her own wares
    • Physical appearance
      • Goliath
      • Female
      • 56
      • Jasper skin
      • 7'5" (taller if not stooped)
      • Obsidian eyes
      • Long white windswept curly locks
  • The bookstore
  • The issue, as it appears
    • A poltergeist (stuff gets moved, sudden falling books) seems to be plaguing the store 
      • The swamp witch fears that her devilish books have brought this upon her and perhaps she should give up her trade
        • But she finds meaning in her work and would hate to admit that her parents had been right about it
  • The real issue
    • Someone (Sofia Mason, gnome, light sandy brown skin, 3'6", purple eyes, black hair, female, 26, quiet, angry, wanted to catch her husband cheating on her but then she couldn't undo the spell) has been made invisible and silent after messing up a spell that they learned at the swamp witch's store and is desperately trying to get the swamp witch's attention for help
  • The real quest
    • Undo the spell that made the person invisible
  • The red herrings
    • Ghosts/poltergeists
    • Pocket dimension
      • The swamp witch can take them to one, but it's just full of storage for the store
  • The real quest steps:
    • Identify the problem
      • Notice what books are falling off the shelves and search for a pattern
        • Books that fall off the shelves (first 10 are to be reshelved, second 10 fall off while they're there:
          1. "Enchanted Echoes: Love's Resonance Across Worlds": Through a portal of magic, two hearts discover an otherworldly love that echoes across dimensions and transcends reality.
          2. "Whispers in the Bookstore Breeze": As the gentle breeze carries whispered conversations and secrets, two souls discover love amidst the stories in a charming bookshop.
          3. Disguise Self
          4. Greater Invisibility
          5. Invisibility
          6. Silence
          7. Alter Self
          8. Disintegrate
          9. Gaseous Form
          10. "Seductive Enigmas of the Unseen": Unveiling hidden truths leads to a tantalizing journey of passion and discovery between two individuals shrouded in mystery.
          11. "Silent Whispers of the Forbidden Garden": Amongst the blooms of a forbidden garden, silent whispers of desire lead to a steamy romance fraught with tension.
          12. "Casting a Spell on You: Love's Enchanted Alchemy": Amidst magical brews and enchanted ingredients, a witch and an alchemist mix love into the perfect concoction.
          13. Potion of Invsibility
          14. "Eternal Desires: Passion Beyond the Veil": A ghostly spirit and a living lover defy the boundaries of life and death to explore a forbidden love that spans eternity.
          15. "Haunted Hearts: Love Beyond the Grave": A ghost seeks solace in the arms of a living lover, defying the barriers of life and death to find a love that transcends the supernatural.
          16. "Ghostly Whispers: Haunting Desire": A living person and a restless ghost share an ethereal connection that transcends the boundaries between life and death.
          17. "Spectral Seduction: A Ghostly Affair": When a living person and a ghost share an otherworldly connection, their passionate encounters defy the boundaries of life and death.
          18. "Ghostly Seduction: Love Beyond the Veil": A spirit and a living lover embark on a tantalizing journey, discovering that even in the realm of the supernatural, passion knows no bounds.
          19. Potion of Gaseous Form
          20. "Ephemeral Echoes: Whispers of Passion in the Astral Realm": Among astral echoes, love transcends boundaries, casting a spell that lingers between realms, both fleeting and eternal.
      • Talk to Evdoksia Kellouli about previous customers and she'll eventually identify that she recently sold Greater Invisibility and Invisibility books to a quiet gnome, but she wasn't sure why...the gnome didn't say
    • Reverse the spell
      • Must gather components for Evdoksia Kellouli to undo the spell
        • Eyelash from a red cap--the swamp witch can direct you to one who rides a giant toad
          • "A mischief-maker in the darkest of woods, With a cap as red as blood and menacing moods. He lurks in shadows, his boots stained and grim. In legends and lore, he's a goblin-like whim."
        • Sap from an acacia tree--acacia trees don't grow in swamps, but the swamp witch keeps one which must be found by doing a puzzle
          • "With the lash in hand, stick your feet directly in the sand. Take three turns about and you'll find more than a sprout. To tap the sap, you'll need to find the flap without setting off the trap."
            • Nature, perception, investigation check DC15 to find the flap or trap
            • The trap: "The Whispering Wraiths"
              • Description: As the players approach the tree, they notice the shimmering air around its bark. The closer they get, the more distinct the silhouettes become, showing translucent spirits floating around the acacia's trunk. These are the "Whispering Wraiths."
              • Mesmeric Murmurs: The wraiths constantly whisper tales of sorrow, love, anger, and joy. Any character coming close to the tree is compelled to listen. Unless they pass a willpower or resistance check, they're rooted to the spot, entranced by the tales. 
              • Sap's Price: If a player tries to extract the sap without placating the wraiths, the murmurs turn into deafening screams, causing disorientation and temporary hearing loss.
              • Memory Borrow: To extract the sap, a player must share a personal memory with the wraiths. The memory is then added to their tales and whispered for eternity. This can be a meaningful, heartfelt, or joyous memory. In return for the memory, the wraiths allow the sap to be taken.
              • Ancient Melody: Deep in the lore of the land, there's an ancient tune that, when played near the acacia, can calm the wraiths. This melody encapsulates the emotions and memories of countless souls and, when played, appeases the Whispering Wraiths, granting the player a brief window to extract the sap safely.
              • Offering of Tears: A flask of genuine tears, born from a real emotion, can be offered to the wraiths. The salt from the tears tempers their restless energy, allowing the adventurers to approach.
        • Mushroom powder, saffron, and fat--need perception 15 to help the swamp witch find these
      • After the components are gathered, the witch will make Sofia Mason visible, but they need to do charades to get Sofia Mason's name. Once spoken, she can speak again and explain her problem
    • Sort through the aftermath
      • Decide how to help Sofia Mason
        • Could help her leave her husband
        • Could help her reconcile with her husband
        • Could do nothing
        • Could do a lot of other things!
      • Get reward
  • The reward
    • Favor of Ira Kellouli and the swamp witch
    • Any books they desire (up to 8 aka 2/party member)
      • Rules for potions:
        • They get the recipe, but still need to purchase/find ingredients 
      • Rules for spells:
        • Levels 0-1: 3 uses per long rest
        • Levels 2-4: 1 use per long rest
        • Levels 5-6: 5 uses total
        • Levels 7-8: 3 uses total
        • Level 9: 1 use only
    • An important contact for finding out those who seek devilish delights 

(Prompt by me)

"She's Watching You" by beanpumpkinAttribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0).


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