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Snippets, fifteen

Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently.


I will be undergoing anesthesia for an upcoming medical procedure. Not full anesthesia, just twilight sleep, but still I required an extra consult because of my BMI. I understand that because I'm a larger size that I may need more medication, but I've also learned that BMI is kinda not reliable so I wonder why they don't just say because of my weight there is a concern. I am also nervous about anesthesia because I was told I could wake up during it. I was told I'd be calm and maybe just feel cold. But I'm worried that I will be out of control.


I love my books, but I have been neglecting some of them. Some have been languishing in boxes at my parents' house for who knows how long. I rediscovered them by sorting through which ones to keep. I decided to keep most (who is surprised?), but a few I decided could find new homes. They were books I either didn't remember or remembered for all the wrong reasons. One book my mom and I even threw away because the author is so repugnant. I do feel a bit bad about that still. It's not the book's fault its author is repugnant, but I couldn't in good consciousness pass along the words of such a man (of course it's a man, though don't get me wrong, there are plenty of repugnant female authors too). I cannot wait to incorporate my books back into my current collection. I hope to loan some out.

Christmas Tree

I need to take down my Christmas tree. My mom took hers down just the other day and said it made her sad because the ornaments, many from happy times passed, make her feel like she's visiting with her parents or with me and my brother's younger selves. I don't have quite that connection to my Christmas tree, but it still makes me sad to take it down. My ornaments, as quirky and varied as they are, all bring me joy. The scent of pine relaxes me. The D&D dice lights make me smile. I know I need to take it down, it's dry, and shedding needles and tree recycling only lasts so long, but still I do not want to. I like visiting with my ornaments, if only for a moment longer.


I love dogs. I am currently dogsitting a friend's dog so I have two dogs at the moment. How lovely it is to cuddle two dogs at once. It's difficult to get them both to settle at the same time, but when they do it is just heaven. I feel so loved and calm when I'm cuddling both dogs as though my worries melt away. I do still get nervous sometimes when they play rough because of how I lost my previous dog, but that has almost completely faded. Mostly, I get joy out of watching my dog with his best dog friend. If I had a house with a yard, I probably would have a second dog, but until then I will settle for occasionally dogsitting.


I have five pennies in my wallet. I know this because I tried to use them in a vending machine, which summarily rejected them by allowing them to just plink down as soon as I inserted them. I feel as though vending machines should be required to take pennies. They seem a prime use for pennies, but, alas, no. What will I do with these five pennies? I rarely pay cash for anything and when I do, I often use a big bill and get too flustered by people waiting behind me to try and dig out coins to make pleasing change (like paying a penny more so you get a nickel back instead of four more pennies). I wonder when we'll discontinue the penny. I always found them pleasing to look at, at least when they're shiny, but now that I have five constant companions of them, I wonder how long they'll be relevant.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Lan anesthesia" by ReSurge International. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic.


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