Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently.
Arctic Blast
As of me writing this, we're expecting an "arctic blast." Right now, it's not so bad out—I even see bits of blue in the sky (often a rarity this time of year). But it will soon be miserable (or so the weather fortune tellers say—yes, I did forget the words for forecast and meteorologists just there).
I will probably take my dog on a short (very short, quite short) walk after work as he will still need to relieve himself, but I want to snuggle under some covers (especially my electric blanket). I also have to take him to the vet tomorrow for a nail trim (he doesn't like his paws being held and his nails being black combines to make me too nervous to cut them on my own). Now he does have an extra jacket so that should work for him, but I'm still not looking forward to it.
I've been listening to Christmas carols lately. Now, I'm not sure what makes something a carol as opposed to just a song, but c'est la vie. The Spotify playlist I found with ease does repeat a ton of songs. I don't mind so much as I feel like there are only a few that I truly look forward to, but I suppose I should branch out a bit.
Maybe I'll ask my friends for favorite carols and then we can build a playlist off of that. That's a fun idea—I'll go do that after I finish writing this snippet.
Anyways, do you like carols? If so, which ones? Let me know! I really like "Carol of the Bells," but I'm also a fan of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." I won't say no to most though, I even like Mariah Carey's.
Festive Sweaters
I only have one festive sweater, but I adore it. It has an alpaca (okay, probably a llama) on it. It's huge and red with snow and the alpaca (yes, I will keep calling the animal that) has a scarf. It's comfy, cozy, and perfectly wintry.
I do covet a sweater with a festive alligator on it, but this is proving more difficult to come by than I'd like. I found one on Amazon, but it was sold out—quite annoyingly. I do like the "ugly" sweater style because I love the excuse to be just a little extra bit extra. When else do you get to wear things that light up like that? Or that are that voluminous and festive?
If you know where I can get (or commission) a festive alligator sweater, please just let me know! Meanwhile, what festive sweaters do you have? Which ones do you covet? Do you think they're in the "ugly" aesthetic?
New Year's Eve
I'm hosting New Year's Eve this year and I think it'll be fun. I need to come up with a trivia game (I love doing this for the record). I have bought some decorations and some temporary tattoos. I'll gather some games. Maybe we can have a big MadLib or something like that. I wonder if I can come up with like a voting on resolutions game. I'll think on it.
I'll need to get some food, drinks, and paperware etc. I want to be festive and also easy to clean up after haha. I'll also offer that some people can sleep over so they don't have to traipse back late (or, heaven forbid, drunkenly). Maybe I can get other Hyde Parkers to offer up beds too.
2024 has been a weird one for sure. I'll do more reflecting on it in later posts, but for now, yeah, let's just say weird. Some good weird, some bad weird, but altogether, pretty weird.
2025 is also likely to be weird, but what can ya do? I will band together with friends and we'll get through the weirdness together. I suppose that's what I can do: rally the troops (so to speak).
Overall, I'm looking forward to it.
I have the itch to shop lately. Now, mostly that works with this time of year given the present present expectations. However, I've done my holiday shopping and am waiting for more opportunities to present themselves.
Of course, I have also shopped for holiday decor and mugs (I'm hosting a Hot Frosty screening and we NEED festive mugs for hot cocoa clearly). But I want to buy more.
I love giving gifts—it's definitely one of my love languages. I love finding a fun little thing that will make someone smile or will ease their needs in some way. But I also love getting myself a little something that does the same.
The time I buy gifts the most is actually at C2E2—I buy gifts for most of the year there. I have a nerdy group of loved ones, so a nerdy convention is the perfect place to shop for them. Now while I have bought my tickets for C2E2 2025, it's not until April! I must shop before then!
(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)
"Arctic Blast on Lake Michigan" by Joe Brusky. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic.
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