I'm sure there was more, but here were some takeaways I had. Yes, some of these I should've already known.
- In 1996, harsher immigration laws came into effect
- The Patriot Act expanded deportation and detention powers
- ICE was designed to lie and manipulate
- Deportations sharply increased under Obama
- Deportations once again increased under Biden
- The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) has a 24-Hour Family Support Hotline at 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693) to report ICE activity (put the number in your phone!)
- You can call ICIRR to learn how to share footage you take of ICE
- When filming ICE, you should hold your phone horizontally and narrate what you're seeing (including location)
- In particular, use the acronym SALUTE: SALUTE stands for SIZE (how many officers), ACTIVITY (what exactly are they doing), LOCATION (where exactly are you), UNIFORM/UNIT (what do their uniforms say?), TIME (again, be specific), EQUIPMENT (do they have batons, guns, etc.?)
- Be especially sure if you share footage/stills that those being detained do NOT have their faces shown
- ICIRR has a great list of resources
- Knowledge on the differences between a judicial warrant and an ICE administrative warrant
- Businesses can designate areas as private spaces, which would require a judicial warrant to enter
- How to be a MigraWatch hotline volunteer
- There is an in-person "Indivisible Chicago Immigration Brief: What We Can Do as Allies" on Monday, February 10th at 6:30pm
(Prompt by me)
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