Here are some ideas if you're looking for concrete things.
- Check in without expectation of a response
- Offer to spend time with me, but understand if I flake
- Order me delivery
- Bring me food and eat with me
- Drive me to see my dad
- Write me mail (I LOVE mail)
- If you want to get me a thing, consider scented candles or flowers
- Possibly help me plan my birthday party
- Share your favorite memes
- Tell me good news in your life
- Discuss reality TV with me
- Listen when I need to vent (it's best to ask if I need to to start off a conversation and I'll let you know what I need at that moment)
- Give me hugs
- Play with my hair
- Understand when this list changes
(Prompt by me)
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash
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