Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently.
I have a dog. And he barks.
He doesn't yip, he barks.
Now what he barks at varies, but there are some constants: skateboards, cars with loud mufflers, motorcycles, and pretty much anything that combines movement with loud noise (the part of me that is a grumpy old lady agrees with this barking)
Sometimes he barks at other dogs, sometimes not.
Very rarely, he has barked at just a person (but the time I really remember him doing this was when we were at a dog park and there was someone there alone without a dog).
Recently, he's been barking more at cars that are just near us and it's like, my dude, you would lose any fight against a car, please just leave it alone. But it's probably the 39% chihuahua in him that makes him think he can take on bigger threats.
But, despite the barking, I love him dearly and overall he brings me peace and comfort.
He is a good boy.
I started watching a season of The Bachelor with a friend yesterday. The season preview suggests that the bachelor, a man named Clayton, falls in love with three women. Now this sounds just ludicrous to me. I get being in love with more than one person, but like how much time is he actually spending with each of these ladies? How can he have spent enough time actually to fall in love with all three of them?
I don't think I've ever been in love so perhaps I shouldn't be one to judge or comment here, but Clayton, you seem like a mess so far. You also keep keeping a woman who is causing so much drama and then being baffled that there is still drama in the house. Like, you KEPT THE DRAMA! THAT'S HOW IT'S STILL HERE!
However, I am invested now and will keep watching. Expect updates.
I hope soon to start writing about legends, cryptids, cursed objects, mythological creatures, and other eerie things I've been reading about. I don't know why I find Mothman and his cohort of critters so fascinating, but I do. I hope even to go to the Mothman Festival in September (I think I've even convinced some friends to come with).
How I'll do these stories is up in the air. Perhaps I'll just write like a report on one, with information I've found. But what appeals to me more is to write a little snippet of a story for them. Maybe similar to the format of my snippets post? Or maybe I'll do a 15 minute scrawl on one and then see how that feels.
What are some legends that intrigue you? Have you ever seen a cryptid? What beliefs that others might find odd do you hold?
I've had "Timber" by Pitbull featuring Kesha stuck in my head for a few days now. Why? I couldn't tell you. I had trouble finding it on Spotify because I'm an old lady and don't like the Spotify interface. But! I found it on YouTube music which makes more sense to me. I've listened to it on repeat who knows how many times. As I'm writing this, parts of it are playing in my head.
Some of the lyrics feel a bit icky to me: "I'm slicker than an oil spill, She say she won't, but I bet she will (timber)". But I guess that doesn't stop my enjoyment of the song. Maybe it should, but I'm taking the comfort I can find these days, who can blame me?
So if you catch me on headphones, that's probably what I'm listening to.
I excitedly entered the bookstore. Mostly because it was a great bookstore, but also because the snow was coming down right in my face as we walked there. I showed off the newest bookstore in my neighborhood to my friend who was visiting. We wandered companionably, sometimes showing each other books that stood out to us and sometimes keeping them to ourselves.
We had come to the bookstore because I wanted to show if off, but also because I wanted to pick up a special order. The book was sure to be funny, raunchy, and adventurous. It was also brand new--I don't pre-order books often, but when I do it's like a little treat from my past self. I had gotten an email that it was ready to pick up and I was excited.
But when I went to the desk to pick it up I was told it hadn't been published yet. This happens with automated systems. The books are in the store, but they can't sell them yet because it isn't the publication date yet.
Still, I left disappointed.
(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)
Photo by Robert Gramner on Unsplash
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