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15 minutes of Chant O'Cúileann brainstorming, part 7

I'm potentially starting a new work campaign so I was looking at some videos from this YouTuber Ginny Di and came across some helpful tip-filled videos. I thought I'd use some ("How to give your D&D character a personality""How to Flavor your D&D Spells", and "How to design clothes for your D&D character") as a basis for more inspiration on my characters. Some of these come from previous posts (123).

  • Myself
    • Personality and backstory
      • Beliefs
        • Equality! All races should be treated equally
        • There must be more than this provincial life
      • How do I interact with the world?
        • Often shyly as I have been discriminated against
          • Becoming bolder though, and more passionate about affecting change
        • Through magic (more so now than before as I've grown in abilities and it's safer to do so now)
          • I can bend reality to my will and have begun to take pride and pleasure in that
        • Through music (this came about after finding my flute)
        • With animals (they aren't as judgy about my horns and tail)
      • Personality coming from my background
        • Values family
        • Curious about how I came to be a tiefling born to human parents
      • Myers Briggs type
        • ISFJ
          • "In their unassuming, understated way, Defenders help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. Defenders can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember birthdays and special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes. This is a capable, can-do personality type, with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships. Defenders are truly more than the sum of their parts, and their varied strengths shine in even the most ordinary aspects of their daily lives." (source)
          • "Romantic relationships bring out a side of this personality type that may not be obvious at first glance. Beneath their mild, unassuming exteriors, Defenders thrum with passionate commitment and loyalty toward the people they love. At times, Defenders themselves may be surprised by the intensity of their feelings, especially their fierce desire to protect and care for their partner." (source)
          • "Given how warm, supportive, and generous Defenders are, it’s not surprising that others gravitate toward them as friends. But while people with this personality type value and even cherish their friendships, they don’t find it easy to bond with just anyone. Defenders tend to be private and a bit protective of themselves, and it can take them a while to feel comfortable enough to open up to someone new. This explains why most of Defenders’ friendships don’t start as random encounters on a wild night out, but rather through comfortable and consistent contact – for example, at school or at work. Defenders appreciate the opportunity to deepen their connection with another person over time, with the two friends gradually sharing more and more of themselves with each other." (source)
          • "People with this personality type take pride in getting the job done and getting it done well, rarely cutting corners or balking at a time-consuming task. This unshakable work ethic, combined with a genuine desire to be of service to others, makes Defenders invaluable in a range of careers." (source)
      • Ability-based 
        • Despite being a bit shy and gullible, she is hard to look away from. This comes from not only her looks, but her general presence as she holds herself apart despite having wanted to fit in for so long
      • Based on another character?
        • None that I can think of at the moment
      • Gullible
        • Since I was treated poorly by many throughout my life, when someone is nice to me I immediately believe them though deep trust is hard for me
        • Also susceptible to peer pressure
      • Can be a goody-two-shoes, not really in regards to law but in regards to intent
      • Not that confident in my appearance, but I'm working on that
        • I can't tell when someone is flirting with me most of the time in part because I don't believe they would be flirting with me
        • Celeste helps
      • While I deeply love Celeste, I do still appreciate a pretty face
      • I have come to really love playing my flute and am getting more comfortable with being in the spotlight
        • However, I can't always tell when people don't want to hear my flute music
      • If someone is in trouble, I’m always ready to lend help
      • Despite growing up around animals, I only became good with them with my flute. My horns spooked a lot of animals growing up
      • Ideal: Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people
      • Ideal: Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect
      • Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves
      • I have trouble trusting in my allies, but I've mostly overcome this through bonding wiht my adventuring party
        • However, I am scared to lose them so I sometimes suppress what I want in favor of what they want
      • I grew up on a ranch in Bevevin with my parents and grandmother. While I enjoyed the peace of it all, I never fit in as I was a tiefling in a seemingly all human family. When I was young, weird things started happening around me and we were all in denial that I had magic until an incident (described below). Many in town thought I was cursed both because of my appearance and because of the magical incidents. I was often thought to be the cause of trouble in town and was often scapegoated
      •  I originally did just want to fit in and be like my parents, but as my adventures have continued I yearn for more
    • Spellcasting (this comes from my DM)
      • Due to my ability to fold magic to my will, it's either directions in my dreams from Tystra or some modicum of control over my reality bending in a way that I have memorized
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Tiefling
      • 21 years old
      • Black, thick curls, often teased to help hide horns
      • Black sheep horns
      • White skin with deep red freckles
      • All white eyes, no pupils
      • 6'7" (was 5'7" but a wild magic surge made me a foot taller)
      • Thicc
      • Has a limp (also from a wild magic surge)
      • I have a tail that lashes when I'm angry but I often keep it tied up in a spiral on my back to hide it
      • Outfit
        • All black cloak
        • Rope to keep tail tied up on my back
        • A necklace that Celeste made me
        • Plain farmer's clothes for the most part
        • Has an elaborate red cloak with alligators sewn into it for special ocassions
  • Celeste (my girlfriend)
    • Personality and backstory
      • From a well-off family
      • Has magic, but that was a secret so she was scurried off to her great aunt and the druids so the church wouldn't force her to be part of the military (or worse)
      • Innate disguise self ability
      • Druid
        • Wild shape (can become animals)
          • Eager to learn more shapes
          • If not channeled properly, it comes out at random
            • This is one of the reasons she is training with the durids
        • Born with magic
      • Her favor, once lost, is lost forever
      • Ideal: Independence. She must prove that she can handle herself without the coddling of her family
      • There’s nothing she likes more than a good mystery
      • Most people scream and run when they see a demon. She stops and takes notes on its anatomy
      • Prefers more masculine clothing
      • Has a bit of a cocky confidence about her (I find this very attractive)
      • Is Morgata's great-niece
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Innate disguise self ability
      • Race: Half-elf
      • Gender: Female
      • Rough age: Early 20s, but hard to tell
      • Height: 6'0"
      • Eyes: Purpley-blue
      • Hair: Brown with a light wave
      • Skin: White
      • Other physical features:
        • Beautiful
        • Has an elegance about her even when she's rough and tumble
    • Relationship with me 
      • We felt an immediate deep connection to each other
      • I believe it is meant to be and she thinks the same
  • Morgata (my friend)
    • Personality and backstory
      • Knew my grandmother
      • Is Celeste's great aunt
      • Opinionated, quietly stubborn
      • Became a druid
      • Liason to and spy for the druids
        • Was once a part of them but had a philosophical disagreement with them so she left
      • After she left the druids, she met my grandmother
      • As a child she grew up in a small town on the edge of a forest. She was always entranced by the beauty of the forest and frequently "ran away from home" into the forest to explore and make friends with animals and plants. She soon discovered her magic and felt it was her calling.
      • As a young adult she knew that she needed to leave her small town and find others of her magic kind.
      • What caused her to put the mantel down and decide to spy on the enemy from the inside?
        • She started to feel her age and then got into a fight with my grandmother. She decided she didn't need to be visiting Bevevin anymore and would be better off serving the druids by getting in a view on the inside
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Race: Human
      • Gender: Female
      • Rough age: Similar age to my grandmother
      • Height: 5'8"
      • Eyes: Greenish hazel
      • Hair: Salt and pepper (more salt than pepper)
      • Skin: Pale, pinkish
      • Other physical features:
        • Recent scars from being held captive
        • High cheekbones
    • Relationship with me
      • Longest relationship she's really had with people is probably my grandmother and then me and my companions
      • Is a mentor
      • Wants to tell me more about my grandmother but feels it isn't fully her place
  • Tara O'Cúileann (my grandmother)
    • Personality and backstory
      • Lived whole life in Bevevin
      • Was part of a Bevevin coven
      • Met my grandfather because he came to Bevevin looking for druids
      • When my grandfather left (and was later murdered), she went to a big city to look for my grandfather 
        • She never found him and decided to never again venture out into the world
        • She was going to get married to a local man, but found herself pregnant and so he ended their engagement. She gave birth to my father and raised him on her own. They are fairly close because it was just the two of them. It was hard for her to initially accept my mother, but once she saw the love between them she welcomed her with open arms
        • Will be simultaneously devastated and overjoyed to learn that he was murdered and didn't just abandon her while she was pregnant
      • Bond: It is her duty to protect me
      • Good at keeping secrets
      • Is tight-lipped about her more carefree and wild youth
      • Has a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature
      • She places no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won’t save you from a hungry owlbear
      • Ideal:Sanctuary. She knows the forces at work in the world and strives to create islands apart from them
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Race: Human
      • Gender: Female
      • Rough age: 60s
      • Height: 5'6" (though is a bit stooped so she's a bit shorter)
      • Eyes: Light jade green
      • Hair: Gray, curly
      • Skin: Pale with freckles
      • Other physical features:
        • Her body shows signs of having worked on a a farm her whole life
    • Relationship with me
      • Taught me a fair bit
        • Tried to teach me indirectly about magic
        • Taught me recipes
        • Taught me superstitions that now as a magic-user make more sense to me
      • A mentor
      • Loves me dearly
      • I remind her of her lost love
  • Róisín O'Cúileann (my mother)
    • Personality and backstory
      • She grew up in a nearby small town. She was usually one to keep to herself, but had a small circle of close friends. She delighted in being in the countryside and found peace in nature. Unlike her friends, she never desired to move to a big city. She was always more content with a life in the countryside.
      • Her father traded his goods in Bevevin and she would often accompany him to help. Her mother died at a young age so she was very close with her father but longed for a mother figure. On one of these trips to Bevevin she met Eoin and the two quickly fell in love. At first his mother, Tara, was wary of her but quickly they proved that they were deeply in love and Tara became a mother figure to her. 
      • It took a while for them to get pregnant and then one day she found that her period was late. She was delighted to be pregnant and had a joyous pregnancy. However, birth was very difficult and painful. While she was shocked to have given birth to a tiefling, she loved me dearly and was very protective of me, trusting very few to look after me especially as she feared they would try and "fix" me. While she loved me, she found raising me difficult and decided not to have any more children.
      • Shy, feels far more comfortable around animals than people
      • Ideal: Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization
      • Bond: My family is the most important thing in her life, even when they are far from her
      • While a kind woman, she remembers every insult she's received and nurses a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged her
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Race: Human
      • Gender: Female
      • Rough age: 43ish
      • Height: 5'7"
      • Eyes: Green
      • Hair: Blonde, curly
      • Skin: Pale with freckles
      • Other physical features:
        • Thicc
    • Relationship with me
      • Said that Ayder loves all his children to try and explain all of the weird stuff around me all the time as she was in denial 
      • Loves me dearly and is protective of me and tried to keep me on the ranch as much as possible and would repremand me for leaving and abandoning my chores
      • Often felt that she could not relate to me, but she loved and supported me and resented those who slighted me
      • Bonded even more with Tara after my birth
      • Despite my horns, my face takes much after my mother
  • Eoin O'Cúileann (my father)
    • Personality and backstory
      • Raised by a single mother, he grew up with a great respect for women and a wariness for those who would judge his mother for being a single parent
      • He grew up working hard on the family ranch, but never truly wanted for more than to be sure his family was taken care of
      • See his story with Róisín above
      • Enjoys whittling
      • Ideal:
      • Bond: My family is the most important thing in his life, even when they are far from him
      • He watches over his friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups
        • He has gained a lot of respect in town for his whittling, his high quality goods, and his his personable nature
        • He does not have many friends, but those he does have are very dear to him
      • Ideal: Honor. If he dishonor himself, he dishonors his whole clan
      • While a kind man he is horribly jealous of anyone who outshines his handiwork
      • Like his wife, he remembers slights against him and his family
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Race: Human
      • Gender: Male
      • Rough age: 44ish
      • Height: 6'2"
      • Eyes: Blue
      • Hair: Black, with curls
      • Skin: Pale with freckles
      • Other physical features:
        • Body shows signs of having worked hard his whole life
    • Relationship with me
      • At first he was shocked by my appearance, but after my grandmother was not, he did not fear that Róisín had betrayed him
      • He tried to raise me to learn the ways of the farm, imagining I would take over the land. While he supports me doing what I feel is my calling, he is at a loss as to what will happen to the ranch now that I seem to have spurned the life he had planned for me
      • He loves me dearly and wants the best for me but worries over the life I seem to have chosen
  • Shrek (my donkey)
    • Personality and backstory
      • He was born on the same day as I was to another donkey on the O'Cúileann ranch
      • Is enjoying the adventures
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Large for a donkey, strong despite his age
      • Brown with white nose
    • Relationship with me
      • I am fiercely protective of him
      • He was the only animal that didn't cower from me, perhaps because we were raised together
  • Faye Gibbons (my childhood friend and first kiss)
    • Personality and backstory
      • Left Bevevin recently (2ish years ago) to pursue acting in a bigger city
      • Came from a fellow farming family
      • Very kind, didn't bully me or exclude me like other kids
      • Yearned for the big city life
      • Artistic--an actress
      • Knows a story relevant to almost every situation
      • Nobody stays angry at her or around her for long, since she can defuse any amount of tension
      • Ideal: Beauty. When she performs, she makes the world better than it was
      • Wants to be famous, whatever it takes
    • Appearance and physicality
      • Race: Human
      • Gender: Female
      • Rough age: 22
      • Height: 5'3" (shortish)
      • Eyes: Deep blue
      • Hair: Auburn, straight
      • Skin: Pale with a splay of brown freckles
      • Other physical features:
        • Rough hands from working on another farm
        • In good shape
    • Relationship with me
      • When we were tweens we both shyly shared that we'd never kissed anyone and decided to kiss each other to share that we'd done it
        • I had a crush on her, but she didn't return my feelings and I felt heartbroken
          • Our friendship suffered for this, but we remained friendly until she left town (truth be told, I carried a flame for her until she left even though she'd broken my heart)
      • I really appreciated her because she was kind to me unlike many others
      • I was too afraid of rejection from her to tell her officially about my magic, but I always suspected that she suspected
  • The O'Cúileann ranch (where I grew up)
    • Dairy (known in town to be of good quality)
      • Goats
        • I loved them as a kid until I was teased by kids saying my real father was a goat
      • Cattle
    • Cloth
      • Sheep
        • Known to have high quality
    • On the edge of the forest
    • Not that large as we have to work it ourselves
      • Perhaps we have a few workers who help
    • Would pretend to do work and then kind of wander off and explore or perhaps worry over or play with my magic (I grew into loving my magic)
    • I love animals, but my horns spooked them a fair bit
  • My education
    • Partially home-taught
    • Went to Ayderian school
      • Father Tulles was my teacher
      • Taught Ayderian religion
      • I paid a lot of attention and loved to learn
    • My grandmother taught me a fair bit
      • Tried to teach me indirectly about magic
      • Taught me recipes
      • Taught me superstitions that now as a magic-user make more sense to me
  • My magic
    • It was denied by my parents until an incident
      • I was turned into a doll version of myself for one minute
    • I was initially convinced that I was cursed as weird things would happen around me and seemingly without my control
      • However, I eventually learned to accept it as part of myself after seeing some of the beautiful things it could do like teleporting to an alternate plane, then returning to the location where I started after a minute or finding a gorgeous gem where there wasn't one before or I found my small whittled goat toy duplicated or I found I could breath water for a day
    • Other incidents that happened to me that were explained away
      • I didn't get sick when a disease swept through town
      • All creatures within 20 feet of me (the flock) were knocked prone
      • I lost the ability to see for a whole day and on another day lost the ability to smell
  • Palar (a fellow PC)
    • Relationship with me prior to joining the party (work with player on)
      • He appeared when I was about 4 so we grew up together and went to school together
      • Since he was the son of the Bevevin authority, I was cautious of him because of all of the weird stuff that happened around me meant that people assumed I was doing something wrong
        • Despite this, we eventually became friendly
  • Tamara (a fellow PC)
    • Relationship with me prior to joining the party
      • I loved the bakery and visited there often. However, Tamara would stare at my horns because Tamara was curious because she always wanted an adventure and a break from the life set out for that and I would have been a mysterious figure representing that
      • Tamara was always kind but she made me feel noticed which made me uncomfortable
  • Supibosque
    • A tropical oasis in the middle of the arctic
    • Creatures you can find
      • Agouti
      • Anteater
      • Ape
        • Gibbon
        • Orangutan
      • Arrau turtle
      • Baboon
      • Bat
        • Greater Bulldog
        • Mustache 
        • Vampire
        • Vesper 
      • Beetle
      • Blink dog
      • Blood parrot (like a blood hawk, but a parrot)
      • Boggle
      • Butterfly
      • Caiman
      • Capybara
      • Cave badger
      • Centipede
      • Clam
      • Constrictor snake
      • Coral
      • Couatl
      • Crab
      • Crayfish
      • Dolphin delighter (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Dryad
      • Dugong
      • Eladrin (all seasons)
      • Flail snail
      • Flying snake
      • Frog
      • Giant bat
      • Giant frog
      • Giant lizard
      • Giant octopus (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Giant poisonous snake
      • Giant sea horse (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Giant wasp
      • Hummingbird
      • Jaguar
      • Kinkajou
      • Korred
      • Lemur
      • Leopard (use panther stats)
      • Lionfish
      • Lizard
      • Manatee (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Meenlock
      • Monkey
        • Capuchin
        • Howler
        • Marmoset
        • Spider
        • Tamarin
      • Octopus (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Panther
      • Parrot
        • Eclectus
        • Lovebird
        • Macaw
        • Rainbow Lorikeet
        • Red-Crowned Amazon
        • Sun Conure
      • Piranha
      • Pixie
      • Poisonous snake
      • Ray
      • Quetzal
      • Quickling
      • Quipper (in waters on Supibosque)
      • Reef shark (off the coast)
      • Salamander
      • Satyr
      • Sea hag (either off the coast or in waters on Supibosque)
      • Sloth
      • Spectacled bear (use black bear stats)
      • Spider
      • Sprite
      • Stirge
      • Tapir (use boar stats)
      • Tiger
      • Toucan
      • Tropical fish
      • Unicorn
      • Wasp
      • Will-o'-wisp
    • Plants you can find
      • Achiote
      • Awakened shrub
      • Banana tree
      • Bird of paradise
      • Bromeliad
      • Cacao
      • Camu camu plant
      • Cassia grandis
      • Coffee plant
      • Corpse flower
      • Cupuaçu plant
      • Durian
      • Giant water lily
      • Heliconia
      • Hot lips
      • Huimba
      • Ironwood
      • Kapok
      • Liana
      • Lupuna
      • Mahogany
      • Mayaca vandelli
      • Monkey brush
      • Mountain soursop tree
      • Needle blight
      • Orchid
      • Palm
        • Açai
        • Murumuru
        • Walking
      • Passion flower
      • Passionfruit
      • Pitcher plant
      • Poinciana
      • Poinsettia
      • Pygmy chain sword plant
      • Queen's tears flower
      • Red copper-leaved alternanthera
      • Rubber tree
      • Sapodilla
      • Shambling mound
      • Strangler fig
      • Torch ginger
      • Tualang
      • Twig blight
      • Vine blight
      • Water fern
      • Water hyacinth
      • Water lettuce
      • Water milfoil
      • Water stargrass
      • Wood woad
    • Other physical features
      • A beach where you can stargaze
      • Caves that you can explore and have a romantic tryst in
    • Other constructed features
      • Druid settlement
        • Some things are made out of Druid craft
          • Lovely herb, vegetable, and flower gardens
          • They always know what weather is coming so they are always prepared
        • The majority are, due to a shared history with South rivoyat, a more Nordic /dwarvish style
        • There are about 15 families, probably 100+ humanoids, but plenty of beasts are effective members of the community too, so closer to 200
          • More like extended family. Like large communal homes and such were individuals who share a name/clan all live. About 5-12 people in size
            • 15ish comes
          • Everyone uses Druidism in some capacity
          • Mostly humans, elves, dwarves, but plenty of other races that visited salindearg. As well as dragonborn. 
          • They wear what they like, as long as they or someone else in the community made it
      • Shrines to the deities are more like open spaces, often with a small statue or symbol of the diety
        • The most commonly represented is korelon, god of change (seasonal/ metamorphosis) and fey fickleness

(Prompt by me)

Image produced by me through Midjourney AI (ask me more about it if you're curious!)


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