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Showing posts from March, 2025

15 things I want to accomplish as a 33-year-old

I turned 33 yesterday! Here are some goals I have. Catch back up on my podcasts Keep up reading more Do a photoshoot with friends (both as a model and as a photographer) Get something published Write more children's parody books Continue therapy and reaching out for professional help when I need it Travel to Ireland Go to the Mothman Festival Try out the event planner career Help a friend plan her wedding Train Hoban more Craft more pieces for Third Coast Review Dress up splendidly for C2E2 Throw some theme parties Explore my fashion sense more (Prompt by me) "33 anys" by Roger Ferrer Ibáñez . Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic .

A little diddy about a winter warm spell

Help me think of a better title! These are just some thoughts I had on a 57 degree day in February. The wind doesn't slice my face, but it does bluster my hair, I sweat in my coat, regailing my past self for assuming the worst of the weather, The ground yields, welcoming my steps once again, I plan a walk, just to walk, The sky shows its beauty, blue without cold. I inhale deeply, soft air filling me. (Prompt by me) Photo by Spencer Eccles_Jones on Unsplash

15 things I accomplished while I was 32

I turn 33 tomorrow! Secured a second book reviewing gig Threw some awesome parties Froze my eggs (one cycle was when I was 31, but the second was when I was 32) Started reading more Refreshed the photos on my walls Started to really make my apartment a home Handled tough situations with my dad Continued working on myself in therapy Sought answers to some health issues Supported friends Kept up this blog Saw some great plays Tried out new bookstores Braved a photo shoot Went on some travels (Prompt by me) "32" by Peyri Herrera . Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic .

Thoughts on 90 Day Fiancé: The Last Resort season 2, episode 14

Time to party again! Gino jokes about Wheaties...sure Rob, you responding is talking to other women Rob and Sophie are like "when we ignore our issues, it's fun" Wait Darcey and Stacey were divorced the same day? Darcey, did you tell Florian he'd be better off single? That's the big question for me Josh and Natalie are gross Boo, Brnadon Ew don't ask if Jasmine licked Gino's toes EW BETWEEN YOUR TOES? I don't think I've heard before frog is a euphemism Wait, Julia, your parents will be staying with you? Florian walked away with two blondes? Yes, Gino, you should be getting a divorce Gino sucks Next time the Julia had a sleepover with Rob and Sophie? Next time Stacey confronts Florian Next time Brandon leaves? Next time looks short tbh Next time should be okay Still looking forward! (Prompt by me) 90 Day Fiancé: The Last Resort , TLC Promotional image source

15 elements for a 1950s-themed diner

If I were to make a 1950s-themed diner, I'd want these elements. Only 10 tables numbered 1950-1959 Fact sheet at each table that contains what happened that year (both in the US and abroad) Rotating weird Jell-O dishes Jell-O recipe competitions 1950s music playing (be sure to be representative of all genres) Milkshakes Drive-in 1950s movie showings in the parking lot 1950s fashion for the servers  1950s themed drag brunches ( Some Like it Hot  came out in 1959!) Honestly, limited to 0 Elvis stuff (it's too cliché and he met Priscilla when she was like 14 and it grosses me out--plus he kinda stole a lot of his music and dancing) 1950s themed trivia brunches 1950s themed coloring pages for kids (with history facts!) If it exists, non-problematic 1950s slang used in the names of menu items 1950s dance classes Book talks for books either set in the 1950s or about the history, culture, etc. of the 1950s (Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy) Photo by Lorenzo Nafissi on Unsplash

Thoughts on 90 Day Fiancé season 11, episode 3

Time for some familial tension.  I'm wondering if "issues with Clayton's passport" is code for "Clayton's dad didn't give all the permissions" I think the bigger problem is that Amani and Matt haven't talked to Any about their plans to get married Greg's mom will be an issue Stevi, I think Mahdi having doubts is completely normal Shekinah, do your friends even like Sarper? Wait, Mark, you didn't even get diapers? Mark, fly your family somewhere Wait Joan is only 26??? Greg, get an apartment I do want to go to New Orleans Shekinah is not understanding I like Any so far Oh, Any, working in a strip club at 16 does not sound good Omg you even said Joan looked tired, let her go to bed! House rules can wait til morning I hate when Americans on this show are like "wow, look at all the stuff you brought!" in like a negative way because these people are packing up their whole lives! Greg, you should've already cleared out the closet ...

15 elements for a B-movie-themed diner

If I were to make a B-movie-themed diner, I'd want these elements. Drive-in B-movie nights in the parking lot A variety of popcorn items on the menu Theater candy for sale B-movie posters as decoration B-movie props as decoration B-movie names for food B-movie trivia brunches B-movie costume contests (monthly?) B-movie pins for the servers to wear (we'll pay for whichever ones they want!) Makers market with at least some B-movie themed items for sale Drag brunches that are B-movie themed Theater seats at tables/booths Rotating B-movie reviews from customers on the back of the menus Writers' get togethers for any genre (but B-movie scripts encouraged) Sell B-movie DVDs (old school, baby) (Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy) Photo by Georgia Vagim on Unsplash

Thoughts on RuPaul's Drag Race, season 17, episode 9

Time for a Betsey Johnson design challenge!  Lydia eating a banana to camera was pretty funny Time for the library! Arrietty isn't great at this This was a fun reading challenge But, I'd like to point out that Lexi is NOT OLD Oop some drama in the picking of collection themes I'm glad they all get time to chat with Betsey Johnson Lana is so young Oof Jewels made a mistake Did Betsey design this Ru look? Jewels looks fantastic (especially her makeup) I am not a fan of Lydia's look I also don't like Suzie's look Kori is beautiful but there are some garment issues So I don't like bows (personal preference) but Onya can sell any garment Lana's look is fun but not the best Arrietty looks incredible Sam's look is super cute I really love Lexi's look (but I also just love Lexi) Yes! Betsey's classic split! I thought Lexi was going to win, but Jewels's look was also great Of course the showmance has to go up against each other I think Lydia is go...