More one shot idea planning (part 1): A new family member from an estranged side of the family has shown up at the door, asking for aid
So I wrote a list of 15 one shot ideas, then narrowed it to five, and then narrowed it to three and did a pageish on each one (here is the oneish page on "A new family member from an estranged side of the family has shown up at the door, asking for aid"). Now I've selected my favorite (which I admittedly knew from the beginning).
The Job (in short):
Deal with Frid Rosewind and/or what he has brought with him.
The Location:
- The Rosewinds founded Windsport on the Tra Sea on the east side of the island nation of Cuilinn.
- Originally the Rosewinds made money on a brisk shipping business, but as more competition moved into this lucrative port, their funds have gone down. While they are still wealthy, they are far from the moguls they once were and live in a somewhat rundown mansion on the edge of town called Rosewood.
- The favorite local tavern in town is called The Blue Whale.
- Gothic home
- Once grand but poorly kept up
The Patron:
Either the family itself or the mayor
- The Rosewinds
- There is a mayor of this town, but the Rosewinds are also seen as an authority in town.
- Reward: continued or heightened clout
- The mayor (Arryn Kelro)
- Elf, middle-aged, female, tall, elegant, silver hair, ice blue eyes, pale skin, careful with her words
- There is a mayor of this town, but the Rosewinds are also seen as an authority in town.
- The mayor reports to the governor of the state of Enaim, Daniel Cuidachta, who reports to the king of the nation of Cuilinn, Craolachan Mericea
- Reward: money and political favors
The Timing:
The arrival of Frid Rosewind
The Important NPCs:
Frid Rosewind
- Frid Rosewind, an elven family member from the Rosewind side who 200 years ago went to the west side of Cuilinn
- He is middle-aged and walks with a cane
- He appears to have Rosewind family heirlooms, at least remarkably similar items to those in a painted portrait that hangs in Rosewood
- He is very gallant and formal and seems remarkably out of place and at home at the same time.
The Set Pieces:
- Weekly family dinner
- Frid Rosewind arrives
- The Rosewind family sits down to their weekly family dinner. Amidst the talking, a loud knock resounds through the poorly kept Rosewood. At the door is a face the entire Rosewind family recognizes, for an astonishingly similar one hangs in their hallway. The person at the door claims to be Frid Rosewind, from the eastern Rosewinds (whom the western Rosewinds lost touch with centuries ago). Frid shares his sob story of going against his family in a matter of political business and becoming estranged from them. Now finding himself destitute, he decided to seek out the only other family he has: the Rosewinds of Windsport. Does the family invite him in or send him elsewhere?
- Family makes a choice about whether to let Frid Rosewind in
- Supernatural events occur
- Either the mayor contacts them or the family decides to act
- Frid's secret is uncovered
- Final confrontation with Frid
The World:
- Some magic is believed to come from the goddess Bandia, but it is also known that magic some comes from darker places
- Magic is viewed with some caution, but it is far from illegal
- I imagine this world to just be elves, half-elves, and humans
- Elves are the ancient species of this land and humans came from a foreign land about 1,000 years ago and have intermixed
- Even though there are no legal barriers for any species, societally, elves typically are richer and more elitist (though some humans believe in their superiority as well).
- Curses, demons, witches, etc. are very much believed to be a thing
- Magic alone is not enough to be considered to make you fearsome, but it can be a factor
- Curses etc. are believed to be unholy and have no place in the religion of the world
- The religion is monotheistic, worshipping the goddess Bandia (whose symbol is a bright yellow sun)
The Players:
- One of the races below
- If born into the family
- Elf: Elves are the ancient species of this land and humans came from a foreign land about 1,000 years ago and have intermixed. Richer more elitist
- Half-elf: Elves are the ancient species of this land and humans came from a foreign land about 1,000 years ago and have intermixed
- If married into the family
- Human: Elves are the ancient species of this land and humans came from a foreign land about 1,000 years ago and have intermixed. Some believe in their superiority as well
- Class
- A class from the player’s handbook
- Background
- Any of the player's choosing
- Alignment
- Any except chaotic evil
- Level
- 4-6 (will scale to players)
- Content
- Homebrew Content and Critical Role Content on, rest off
- Stats
- Roll 4d6, remove the lowest dice result, add up the remaining numbers
- Get in touch if your character feels too weak or too OP (I trust your judgment)
- Party size
- 3-5
- Some suggestions as to why Frid's presence and the following events disturb the players:
- Character desires to return the Rosewind name to glory
- Character is on Frid's side in the political disagreement that he says landed him destitute
- Character is a closer follower of Bandia
Things to work with me on:
- What items the characters have:
- This is somewhat flexible
- Given, the family is old money, so it's plausible that they'd have quite a bit
- However, with magic being somewhat suspect, magic items are rarer in this world
- Also, since the family lives in town, they likely wouldn't have too many adventuring items, but I could be made to believe there are some family heirlooms
(Prompt by me)
"Roll a D20 for Photography Skill (34/365)" by Jo. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic.
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