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Perfect pet

A perfect pet is hard conceive of. I really do love pets and I often find myself thinking of getting one. I guess I usually think of getting a dog. I love dogs (especially my friend Emily's) and I think they make great companions. Dogs are adorable, loyal, and love you just unconditionally. Also, a pet that gets you out of the house a few times a day would probably be good for me. If I got a dog, I'd like to get a medium or small dog. Big dogs still frighten me a bit to be honest. Small dogs have the benefit of me being able to pick them up and cuddle, but medium dogs make me feel safer (and can still be cuddled). I'm not sure what breed of dog I'd get because, to be honest, I'd adopt a dog. I guess realistically I'd like one with short hair. While long haired dogs are gorgeous, I guess the idea of having long hair everywhere sounds so unappealing to me. My ideal dog would also be very friendly and love to play fetch, but also like to be inside on very cold days. I would also like one that manages to get along well with people, but also helps me sniff out creeps. That all may be a tall order, but we're talking about a perfect pet here.

I have also thought about getting a rabbit. They're so cute and could be so happy living in a small apartment (which is likely where I'll end up living). I have even seen people take rabbits on walks so maybe it could still accomplish the goal of getting me out of the house everyday. They also tend to be more low-key than dogs which sometimes could be a benefit, but I suppose also takes away the over the top exuberance that dogs show when you walk into a room. I also loved the rabbit my cousin Alice had. His name was Osiris and he was this beautiful shade of black and was incredibly large (although my estimate of his size probably has something to do with me being small at the time). I remember sitting cross-legged on the floor and him just filling my whole lap or even spilling a bit over the sides. While I would also love one of those adorable tiny rabbits, I hear that they can be quite mean, so maybe they're not a good fit.

At C2E2 I also fell in love with a tegu. For those who don't know what a tegu is, they're very large lizards. At C2E2 I got to cuddle one in my arms and I was smitten. He had these large jowls that were to show off to the ladies, but they just looked like fat cheeks. They're big enough that you could probably take one for a walk (see a theme around here?). The guy at C2E2 also told me that they're pretty intelligent animals. The one I was holding had been mistreated in his first home so he had to be resocialized to learn that humans weren't all going to hurt him. He had, quite sadly, learned that humans meant pain so he'd attacked his foster family with his sharp claws. But now he was just a cuddly, scaly baby and I was tempted to steal him. I didn't, but I do think about getting a tegu from time to time. How awesome would I look taking a large lizard for a walk around town?

Finally, if I'm allowed to just go totally impossible, I'd love a domesticated alligator. To be clear, alligators cannot truly be domesticated and are thus terrible ideas for pets. They're wild animals and should be left to the wild. But, if I could wave a wand and make one that is happily (and the happily is key) domesticated, I would take it in a heart beat. Now I would require a fair bit of land and a large body of water for my pet alligator, but in an ideal world, I would have it. I think alligators are so beautiful and just amazingly powerful animals who won evolution. Imagine having one as a close buddy! I'd be the coolest person out there. Also, two different presidents had pet alligators, so I'd be in very elite company. John Quincy Addams sadly kept his in a bathtub, but, admittedly, it's a hilarious joke to scare someone by giving them a tour and just coming to a bathroom that has an alligator in it. Hoover also had two pet alligators that his son would take on walks. Now that is a terrible idea, but in a world where domesticated ones could exist, that son would've looked badass.

One day, when I can afford it, I will get a pet. I'll keep you all up to date on my decision.

(Prompt by Neil Kaplan-Kelly)


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