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Things I learned/observed/had reinforced today

I had a jam-packed day today (scenic drive to Doolin, ferry to Inis Oírr, exploring Inis Oírr, ferry under the Cliffs of Moher, the Cliffs of Moher themselves, scenic drive back to Galway) so I thought I'd just share some things I learned or observed or just had reinforced today.

  1. I am not a morning person.
  2. I'm less of a morning person when I don't know there is a time change.
  3. Mochas are great.
  4. I like sitting by windows so I can take pictures.
  5. I like learning fun facts.
  6. I also like learning history facts.
  7. Penny walls are an incredibly sad bit of history, but I find leaving them to stand a strong statement about resilience.
  8. I will loudly groan at puns even if they're made by a tour guide.
  9. Dressing in layers is the best.
  10. I need to remember to buy more sunscreen.
  11. Light can play tricks on you. More than once I thought I saw an odd form following our boat, but eventually I realized it was light hitting the water from behind our heads.
  12. The ocean looks alive to me, even when I can't see anything alive in it.
  13. I find it so nice to hold my mom's hand.
  14. I will participate in sing-a-longs if there are enough people and/or if the song isn't too difficult.
  15. There are other Hollys out there.
  16. It's a small world. Who knew I'd see a fellow Swattie today?
  17. I picked a very good camera 7 years ago. Tons of use and still going.
  18. I like having selfies so I can show where I've been.
  19. I'm very picky about photos taken of me. Anyone who thinks I'm photogenic is just responding to the carefully crafted illusion I've made.
  20. I'm still far too excited to see animals. Today, I saw baby ones.
  21. Nachos can help fight off sleepiness.
  22. Water can be blinding, but still beautiful.
  23. Cameras can't capture the beauty of everywhere, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
  24. I love gift shops (even if that's lame).
  25. Tourists really do love a gift shop and a coffee shop and I won't apologize.
  26. Tour buses should have bathrooms and cup holders.
  27. More people should wear their seat belts.
  28. I want a Claddagh ring.
  29. I've gotten more attached to Ireland than I thought I would.
  30. I have to leave in just over two months.
  31. I love my hair.
  32. I'm glad I've always been a bit of an old lady and not a huge risk-taker. It means I've never fallen off of a cliff.
  33. Some people think it's a solid plan to go off the trail and right onto the edge of cliffs for a selfie even after being told that someone literally just died that way,
  34. Cliffs are incredible landscapes to look upon. 
  35. Cliffs are even more beautiful from the water.
  36. Everything seems more possible in the sunshine.
  37. I have yet to encounter a bad tuna melt in Ireland.
  38. Even though I have a great camera, I am still going to take photos on my cellphone. Gotta Instagram.
  39. I should drink more water.
  40. Carrying my umbrella in an outer pocket leads to somewhat hilarious snags.
  41. I am my mother's daughter.
  42. Sometimes, there's nothing like having your mom around.
  43. My seasonal allergies here may be a bit of a trip.
  44. I should travel more.
  45. I love how many photos I take and I'm not going to change that about myself.

Okay so that probably wasn't as interesting to read as some of my other posts, but I had fun writing up this list. I hope you found some of these things funny or at least want to see my photos when I get around to posting them.

One preview photo is below, enjoy.

(Prompt by me)


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