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One day, instead of gray roots, a middle aged woman finds purple roots

"Honey...what did you do?" I asked, half laughing as I looked in the mirror. My hair had begun going gray not that long ago and I had been dying it, but I was behind. Last night, my gray roots were shining their full silver glory, but this morning that had changed into a lovely shade of lavender.

"Um nothing?" my husband called from the kitchen. "I definitely didn't forget to start the coffee." I then heard the coffee pot start up. Even though I'm a huge grump before my coffee, Derek did still manage to let it slip his mind sometimes.

"Do you have any idea how my hair ended up purple?" I called. It wasn't that I minded the color, exactly. But it did look odd to have light brown hair and then what looked like a little cap of purple hair. Purple was my favorite color, but that was beside the point. Things needed to match and my hair most certainly didn't match. But still, if this was some sort of prank that Derek pulled, it had to be easily undone. Derek was far too kind to do something that would cause her any actual problems.

"Purple?" Derek answered/questioned. His voice was clearly getting closer so he must have been heading up the stairs.

Derek had been wanting me to stop dying my hair brown and "embrace the gray," as he put it. He made me watch The Simpsons episode where Marge goes gray before he had watched it all the way through, so that backfired a bit. But he did promise me that he'd call me his "silver bell" if I ever did stop dying my hair. Really I think he just wanted to not be alone in having gray hair. He had started going gray even before I did and he never found a dye he liked, so he just let it go. More than once people had looked at us funny, clearly thinking there was a big age difference between us. Whatever his reasons, I had been resistant to going gray, so maybe this was his way of showing me that if my hair was gray I could have some fun with it that I hadn't before.

I always wished I could dye my hair some dramatic color, but, since I had brown hair, that meant that I would have to bleach it and that would totally kill my hair. I loved my hair too much to just bleach it all to hell. But if it was gray...then maybe I could finally do some fun things with my hair.

"Yeah, purple," I said back to Derek. "Come and see if you want." I knew he was already coming to see me, but I still felt like I should invite him.

Derek popped his head into our bathroom and he seemed just as confused as I was. "You're kidding me, right? No one's hair doesn't turn purple overnight."

"Unless their goofy husband did something," I said, smiling at him.

He got up close to me and examined my roots. He was a whole head taller than me so he did this easily. I felt him playing with my hair a bit, thinking that if he mushed it around a bit, the purple would go away. I didn't mind though, it felt nice, whatever he was doing.

"They...really are purple," he said in a mix of fascination, curiosity, and confusion.

"Yes, dear. Now what did you do? I'm not mad, I promise."

Derek stepped away for me. "No, really, Cat, I don't know how this happened."

"Uh huh," I said smirking at him. "Fine, just tell me how I fix it. I'll let you keep your magic a secret."

Derek started to look panicked. "No, I really don't know. I didn't do this."

I frowned, "So then...what happened?"

We looked at each other for a moment before a light went on behind Derek's eyes. He rushed past me and dramatically flung the shower curtain back. "Did you use my shampoo?" he asked while comically half bending-half splaying himself in our shower.

"Is that a crime now? What's yours is mine, right?" I replied while giggling.

He triumphantly returned with his bottle of shampoo, still a bit wet from his morning shower. "Did you?" he asked, filled with a boyish triumph.

"Yeah I did, so?"

He beamed, "I use this purple shampoo for my gray hair so that it doesn't get too yellow. You must've used a lot."

"Hey, I have a lot of hair," I said, swatting him playfully.

"If you stop dying your hair, we can share the same shampoo all the time."

"I'll think about it."

(Prompt by me)
Gina Lollobrigida in The Adventures of Pinocchio (1972 film)


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