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15 sim challenges I might want to try

I love the sims and am looking for new ways to play. Here are some I've found.

1. Black Widow Challenge:
  • Marry a sim
  • Have a party and locate a potential love interest
  • Invite your love interest over and get caught
  • Kill off the spouse and wed the new love interest
  • Repeat 10 times
2. Rags to riches
  • Put your sim on the biggest empty parcel in your world
  •  Take away all of their money, which should be possible with the cash 0, in the command bar that you get by pressing shift+ctrl+c
  • Your sim will live off of only the land around them, while additionally exploiting their surroundings, for example, public parks and different territories
  •  There are different approaches to win cash, which you should do to finish this challenge. For example, collecting and looking after plants in parks, (you aren’t permitted to plant anything on your own parcel,) or painting with an easel in other public offices.
  •  You should play in an exceptionally dubious style to help your destitute sim survive
  •  You will in the long run have the capacity to work your way up to turning into the richest and best Sim in the whole game.
3. Breed out the ugly
  • Start with a sim that is awkwardly unnatural and have that sim have kids and so on and so forth until you have a beautiful sim
4. Prettacy
  • Have a Sim who you see as lovely, and you proceed with generations until the point when you get a sim that you see as revolting
5. Decades challenge
  • You begin off in 1890. Sims can’t utilize electricity, indoor pipes, can “strive for child”, and all furniture must be wooden, in addition to other things
  • By 1900s, Sims can have electric power and indoor plumbing
  • Every decade proceeds with different challenges and things to open until the point that you advance to the present decade!
  • Note that I deleted a few rules that I didn't like
6. Disney princess husband
  • Make Snow White and she should be a mother of 7 children in the game.
  • Every child needs to have an awful trait (like “melancholy”), and all children should be from the same father. Every one of the children needs to finish their aspiration or get an “A” in school before you proceed
  • Next comes Cinderella! Pick a girl from Snow White’s relatives and when they turn into a youngster you will begin playing as them
  • She will require the “perfect” and “foodie” traits, and should clean the house and cook each day. She can’t wed until the point that the mother is dead!
  • You proceed with a few other Disney Princess through every generation 
7. Build-A-City
  • You begin with Sims made by utilizing a randomizer toward the beginning of the game
  • As your advance, you can open more parcels, alternatives, careers, CAS, Sims, and so on
8. Bachelor/Bachelorette 
  • Create a Bachelor or Bachelorette. Give them whatever traits you’d like 
  • Create 7 hopefuls
  • Your Sim must go on dates with the Sims in the house-either through gathering trips, or one-on-one dates
  • Disposals happen each third day-and the Sim with the smallest relationship status with the Bachelor/Bachelorette must be moved out of the house.
  • Continue going until your Sim finds their genuine romance!
9. Big Brother
  • Create 8 interesting sims
  • You can’t control any of the sims
  • Every week you can center around a skill as the challenge (can be painting, wellness, carpentry, cooking, etc…any skill in the game). The sim who builds the most astounding skill can win invulnerability (no expulsion)
  • Eviction can happen once every week. The sim with the most reduced measure of companionships in the house must be moved out
10. Alien challenge
  • Create an alien looking sim with any traits and aspiration you want, but one of the traits must be loner
  • Have your alien meet a normal looking sim and try for baby
  • When the baby ages up, see if it looks like an alien. If it doesn't, you'll have to try again

11. Gold digger challenge
  • Marry 10 times. When each spouse dies, place the gravestone in the yard
  • Have at least 10 declared enemies of the same sex
  • Be worth 100,000 simoleons
12. Impregnator
  • Create a young adult sim who can impregnate others with the Serial Romantic aspiration and the Noncomittal trait.
  • Impregnate at least ten sims before becoming an adult
  • Complete The Serial Romantic aspiration before becoming an elder
  • he sim cannot get married until they complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
  • Play on normal age setting.
13. Roomies
  • Choose a Sim to be your First Person Narrator (FPN). This is the one Sim that you can directly control during the game
  • Move this Sim to a big empty lot (any empty lot will do)
  • Before you begin building or buying a house, move in 7 roomies
  • Buy or build a house
  • The goal of the game is to keep your household Sims (including the FPN) happy, healthy, and as fulfilled as possible
  • Set the lifespan to Long, in order to give you plenty of time to develop skills and relationships and other aspects of a fulfilled and happy life
  • You can only directly control the FPN, with the following exceptions:
    • You can click on each household member to get that Sim a job
    • You can assign a bed to each member by clicking on them to have them sleep in a specific bed
    • You can give them make-overs and have them change clothes
  • You can click on a household member to purchase any aspiration rewards which that Sim may have earned. The only aspiration rewards that are off-limits to any Sim in this game is the anti-aging potion
  • You can click each household member to see what his or her whims, aspirations, and needs are. You cannot fulfill those by controlling the Sim
  • The house must be full at all times. If a household member dies, you must replace the member with another Sim
  • You can move out household members to make room for the FPN's new family. This is the only time you can move out household members
  • The game is over when the FPN dies
14. Runaway
  • You cannot build any kind of shelter for yourself until you have earned the simoleans to do so
  • You cannot have any electronics or appliances or cell phone access (put it on silent) until you have a home with at least 1 kitchen, 1 bath and 1 bedroom
  • You can’t have a part-time job. You can’t have a full-time job when you are a young adult until you have a home
  • You cannot cook/shower/etc on other people’s lots or interact with adults until you are a young adult. You’re a runaway they’ll report you as such. If your social meter gets low, you can interact with children or other teens
  • You can shower and use the bathroom at any public place like the gym
  • You can fish, garden and dig all you want and sell them
  • You can’t go to school. You have to cancel go to school each day.
  • Each time you travel you subtract $10 simoleans from your funds using the money cheat
  • The goal is to survive
15. Three little sims
  • Create a family of three adult or young adult sims in CAS. You may assign the traits and lifetime aspirations as you like. The three sims should be roommates
  • Create a lot for the three sims to live on with three separate homes, each with all of the essential items. Each home may also have a bookcase. No other fun objects or skill builders should be present on the lot. Set your funds to zero after building the houses
  • Move the sims into the lot and assign them their homes. For storytelling purposes, this is their "house." Of course they will move in and out of one another's homes as you play because there is no way to mark a house as theirs, but careful photo work can give the feel that each one has his/her own home
  • You may control the sims for the first day (through 8 a.m. the next morning). In this time, you should get them each a job
  • At 8 a.m. on Monday, you should begin focusing your work on just one sim. You may direct them to your heart's content. The other two sims should be left on their own to do as they wish. 
  • At 8 a.m. on Tuesday, switch to the next sim. You will continue to use this 8 a.m. time to mark the beginning of each new day. The rotation should stay the same throughout the challenge. 
(Prompt by me)


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