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Thoughts on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? season 5, episode 7

Not blogging while it's live...will this change anything?
  1. Andrei is so open about his hatred for Libby's family
  2. Coming to Moldova wasn't in your wildest dreams even after your daughter married someone from Moldova?
  3. Oh my god these questions are so dumb
  4. My god these people are dumb. LOTS OF LANDLOCKED AREAS HAVE FISH TO EAT
  6. Libby, he's not being open about why he moved to Ireland because he lied to you
  7. Colt, considering your relationship with your is it weird that Jess wants her dad to approve of you?
  8. Debbie wooing is so funny
  9. Debbie liked those kisses
  10. HOW IS JESS'S DAD WEIRD? I mean maybe something happens later, but so far he's normal
  11. This food looks good
  12. Debbie, why are you bringing up Larissa?
  13. I mean, Colt, whether you love Jess and want to marry her shouldn't be hard to answer since you've previously said that you are in love and marriage is the plan...
  14. I love that Angela's shirt says 'FLAWLESS' and Michael's says 'DRY'
  15. Angela, men can talk to's fine
  16. Aw, Angela, I thought you would treat his family I get that it's kinda sexist but like why not just do it for his mom?
  17. Angela...are you saying you don't like fresh food?
  18. you think rice and oil is enough of a meal?
  20. Angela, you don't have malaria from seeing a goat head
  21. That said, Michael, why don't you go pick up the meat? Like I think you should get meat but she literally vomited so just grab it.
  22. Larissa, Carmen didn't "find out" you told her
  23. Eric and Larissa living together is gonna go baaaaaaaaaaaad
  24. Also, Carmen does want you around, Larissa...just not Eric
  25. Larissa honestly has more stuff than I thought
  26. My god there is a roommate too? Eric, did you ask him if Larissa could move in?
  27. "Lotta people go back to the same watering hole"
  28. Larissa is a gamer? Who knew?
  29. What was in this room before?
  30. Yessss we're back to referring to ourself as the queen!
  31. Ha the hedgehog reminds Larissa of Colt because it's fat and white
  32. Oliver's laugh is precious
  33. I'm glad Asuelu is apologizing
  34. You two need to go to therapy because there is clearly more to address
  36. "I want you to be my bus driver" is surprisingly cute
  37. I don't think Colt is ever sincere
  38. "You have feeling before?" 
  39. Wait...Debbie did you just move in with Colt's dad before dating him? Your math is confused
  40. Debbie, Jess's family is clearly fine financially
  42. Debbie, you also don't know Jess well so you don't get to answer her questions
  43. Debbie, your reaction to Colt sending you back to the hotel was weird
  44. Paul...did you board your dogs for YEARS?
  45. That dog cage is big enough for Paul to join his dogs in
  46. I am so glad that Paul cleaned that fridge
  47. I'm glad Karine is happy
  48. A pillow as a curtain is hilarious
  49. To be fair, this house being better than the other houses isn't saying much
  50. Is little Oliver just going upstairs?
  51. Wait, they were in the US and didn't come to the wedding? Wasn't the wedding even in Utah?
  52. Asuelu's mom wants to be working harder...huh
  53. I'm so glad Asuelu's mom agrees about not going to Samoa
  54. Are they seriously telling him to sell his car?
  55. Asuelu is taking care of his family...his children and his wife
  56. Did Colt sleep in those clothes?
  57. Was there a good time that we didn't see, Colt?
  58. Debbie...why can't you be left alone?
  59.'s insane that you're afraid to leave them alone
  60. I love how no one likes Eric
  61. Does Larissa have a job?
  62. I'm glad Libby's family is finally positive
  63. I like the idea of the guys making wine together
  64. Wait...200 Euros a month feels like a lie
  65. Yeah, have been offered jobs
  66. My god this wasn't a public conversation
  67. Andrei is so rude
  68. I mean what harm does it actually do to get married a second time? They're already married
  69. Angela wants way too much for Michael's mom to see him break tradition
  70. How do you not have time to cook while you're in Nigeria?
  71. Angela is being so awkward and rude
  72. Pizza isn't exactly American
  73. Oh right...Angela hasn't told them she might have cancer
  74. This beach is beautiful
  75. I actually expected a speedo
  76. Jess's laugh was kinda scary when she was talking about sex
  77. I wish this episode was called "You Continue Baby Boy"
  78. Colt, Jess is a daddy's girl in a much more reasonable sense than you are a mama's boy
  79. Colt holds Jess's hand so weird
  80. Gah Larissa don't go through people's phones
  81. But also Eric...sounds like you talked about Larissa in a really terrible way
  82. "Calling him a man is an insult to a real man"
  83. Colt and Eric hung out???
  84. Dear lord are Colt and Eric gross
  85. Larissa, you gotta go
  86. I cannot believe they're encouraging Larissa to talk to Eric about's gonna be bad
  87. Time for more travel!
  88. "I will do everything in my power to sabotage Colt's relationship" COOL, DEBBIE. COOL
  89. At least Larissa will have video evidence that she hasn't hurt Eric and that he also asked her to stay with him
  90. Fight in Moldova!
(Prompt by me)
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? TLC


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