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A diary entry from my new D&D character

I made a new character so I figured I'd do this prompt again!

Dear Diary,

Made some good money today. I played my lyre in the tavern and overheard some insane gossip. I can tell you anything so I'll just spill. Mr. Gerard has been seen canoodling, if you will, with Mr. Bastion! Now this wouldn't be that juicy except for the fact that Mr. Bastion is Mr. Gerard's brother-in-law! Can you even? 

I also overheard something while I was taking my daily swim. It's so lovely to be able to swim in the river. I feel connected to Geshtai whenever I do and to my heritage, whatever exactly that may be. Anyways though, I was swimming and I managed to go unnoticed by a couple in a boat. The couple was discussing marriage plans but I realized that while they were clearly a couple, holding hands, kissing, they were discussing marrying other people for money. Now I have my suspicions that they mean the other parties some harm, so I will be telling Aborlar about this just in case. Since they haven't done anything yet, I doubt much can be done, but I don't want the death of two wealthy saps on my conscience.

Meanwhile, I've also been hearing about the deeds of some local adventurers. They don't have a collective name, at least as far as I've heard, but they do sound rather dashing. I know they work for Aborlar so perhaps I'll ask for an introduction. It might be good to get out of Goa every now and then.

But I do love Goa. Who knows if I was born here, but I was certainly raised here. Left at the Shrine of Geshtai, I don't know anything about where I came from, but does that matter dear diary? I think not. I am devoted to Geshtai, though perhaps not in the way the priests envisioned. I'm sure they saw me becoming a cleric or some such, but that just didn't feel like my path. I still love Geshtai and worship her, but I was much more taken by music than I was the clergy. I sing songs of Geshtai, but I also sing songs of local gossip--I just can't help myself. My knack for finding information is even useful to the council, though I find I sometimes need to keep things from different members.

Aborlar treats me well and since he runs the Grey Wardens, my knowledge is a natural fit for his duties. Aurelius Greentooth, however, has his hands in everything which makes him a valuable contact for me. I would like to branch out to get to know Miriel Teniel better, but who in Goa actually knows her? I don't want to risk my relationships with Aborlar or Aurelius by asking for an introduction to yet another council member--I want them to think I'm loyal to them.

But back to these adventurers. Do you think, dear diary, that it is time for me to branch out of Goa? I could spread the word of Geshtai far and wide with my songs and I could learn about new people instead of the plain old ones here in Goa--though there is plenty of gossip to go around on them. Did I tell you that Marielle is expecting again? Since her husband has been away on a merchant trip it seems a little dubious that he's the father, but he hasn't been gone the whole time I suppose. I also hear that Thorin Duberon is considering searching for a wife finally and focusing less on his business--though focusing on his business may help him find a wife. 

I don't see myself settling down anytime soon, which is perhaps why I keep thinking of these adventurers. Who knows who I could meet out in the wider world? Who knows what new things I could learn? I only know three instruments, and only own a lyre, but I could learn so much more. I could learn new languages too, though Orc and Celestial have proven quite useful, at least in this area.

Oh diary, I do wonder what awaits me. Am I destined to be the town gossip forever? It is quite a fun role, I must admit, and I do love meddling in people's business (I saved poor Ysabel Riocht from a dreadful marriage to Tessa Gnact the other week. Ysabel didn't know that Tessa was deeply in debt and just looking to her to solve that problem, the poor dear), but maybe I could be making an even greater difference out there? I do supply the council with information on other activities as well, but that still doesn't feel like enough. I want to be able to make a difference and spread the word of Geshtai.

What do you think my dear diary?

I'll write more again soon.


Rivulet Brook

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)


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