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Shuffle your music library and write about the song that comes up

So I shuffled the few songs I have on my phone (the original prompt said "(on phone, spotify, whatever)") and the song that came up is "My Best Friend's Wedding" by the Chicks (on their Gaslighter album). You can find the full lyrics here and listen to the song here.

I really like this song. It tells a story of heartbreak and rising from the ashes to be more powerful. I assume it is based on one or more of the Chicks' marriages (perhaps one of them is the narrator of the song (or whatever you call it) and one is the mentioned best friend who marries and then remarries in the song). 

Now I've never been divorced or even married, but my heart has been hurt before (that's for another blog post though I think) so I do like this whole "I'm better off without you" vibe that the song gives off at times. I do also like that it acknowledges, if briefly, that there was some magic, even if it was false, in the beginning of the relationship. It helps explain why the narrator fell for their love in the first place. 

However, the part I really respond to is the rising from the ashes part. I feel like life has dealt me a few very hard years (with more hard years ahead of me) so the line "Guess from ashes, we can really grow" followed by "And my wildfire's comin'/Burnin' the path that I've known/Watch me, yeah, watch me run with it/Take it wherever it goes" really speaks to me. It gives me hope that these hard years will contribute to some growth on my end (and I am putting in the work to make that so). And the passion behind Natalie Maines's (the lead singer) vocals is just undeniable and it inspires me.

I listen to songs from Gaslighter a fair bit. The Chicks are probably my favorite band so naturally I listen to them often (for those who don't know Gaslighter is their most recent album). I constantly admire all of their talent from the vocals (Natalie Maines just has a natural gift) to the instrumentals (did you know one of them is like a world renowned fiddler?) to the lyrics (not sure the balance of this one, but I know Natalie Maines at least contributes to songs as her ex tried to sue her into not releasing Gaslighter). "My Best Friend's Wedding" is one of the songs that I never skip because I love it so much.

I wish I could give you musical details of the song for those who are curious, but I do not know the lingo nor, to be honest, do I care that much if it meets some high musical standards created by people who know a lot about music. I just care that the vocals, music, and lyrics take me away and inspire me.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Pincis-189.jpg" by Cara Neil


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