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15 minutes of Rivulet Brook brainstorming, part 1

So one of my DMs has asked us to think more about flaws and backstory, so I figured I'd do it as a prompt! 


  • I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple’s hierarchy and my piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those who profess faith in my god
    • Even though I know those in the temple hierarchy are imperfect, I still put an overwhelming amount of trust in them as they raised me. This can make me blind to flaws that I would easily see in others. When I find other followers of Geshtai, I am overwhelmed with delight to find a genuine connection and, again, can become blind to flaws
  • I like to meddle in people's business and love to insert myself into others' problems
    • This can get me into trouble
  • I am overly confident in my charismatic abilities
    • When I fail, I feel lost and like I have no purpose
  • I am desperate to know what happened to my parents
    • I'm willing to do almost anything to find out what happened to them
  • Still has a bit of a crush on Keeper Accrah Jr.
    • Acts dopey around him
  • I am obsessive about honoring Geshtai (come up with some quotes with DM that would come from the sacred texts/teachings)
    • I take a long time to interact with water of any kind
  • I let down my guard around friends, and am usually unprepared if anything happens
    • However, it takes me a while to call someone a true friend (unless they are a follower of Geshtai)
  • I don't know my real story, so I often make up a new one
    • Can be hard to trust me


  • I was left at the Geshtai temple as a baby and raised by Keeper Accrah Sr. 
    • Left with a magical pendant that helps me overhear others
    • What happened to my parents to be found out later (DM will create as I want to be surprised)
  • While I didn't choose the priest life, I am loyal to Geshtai and think the world of her and her followers
    • When I was younger, I thought I would join the priestly order as it's what I grew up around, however, some things made me stray
      • I took up instruments early and found I had a natural talent for them. While music is far from forbidden by Geshtai, the priests are not known for their musical talent nor do they have much time for it
      •  Always curious about others, I learned to listen to people as I played. I quickly became privy to all sorts of information and became a town gossip
        • At an early age, I witnessed a scandal with one of the priests (ask DM for help with) and was disillusioned from seeing them as flawless beings
          • Despite this, I do still put an overwhelming amount of trust in followers and acolytes of Geshtai as I find the scandal to be the exception, and not the rule (especially as I thought it was dealt with fairly)
        • Sometimes I have information useful to the council, but other times just useful to a suspicious spouse
        • I trade in information but pride myself on my musical ability as well

(Prompt by one of my DMs [kinda])

Image produced by my DM through Midjourney AI (ask me more about it if you're curious!)


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