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Snippets, one

Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently.


I was visiting my niblings and their mother, my sister-in-law, suggested we make brownies. I was happy to see that it was box brownies from a brand I loved. My nephew Jake excitedly dumped in the coconut oil and then helped his little sister, Caroline, stir. I snapped a photo to hopefully remember this moment of adorable sibling cooperation. They reminded me of me and my brother, who was hundreds of miles away and whom I missed dearly. Though I can't remember making brownies with him, I'm sure that we made box cakes together with our dad. Caught up in reminiscing, I watched my sister-in-law gently smooth out the batter in the pan and comment that the brownies may be thin. I quipped that that meant we could just eat more of them and she smiled. Finally, I helped everyone lick the mixing spoon and bowl clean, getting batter and smiles all over our faces.

Chipped Nails

My friend had done my nails a lovely shade of purple, but I already spotted a small chip. Since I didn't have the polish anymore, I couldn't redo the nail. I thought, perhaps, it wouldn't bother me--that I could live with a small chip if it meant the rest of my nails brought a smile to my lips. But, no, I couldn't just let it be. So I began to pick, and pick, and pick until the nail was scratched clean. But now, I had one clean nail and nine dirty nails (or so it seemed to me). So I began to pick, and pick, and pick, taking all of my focus and anxiety out on the purple polish until all of my nails were clea. And I? I was craving polish once again.

Couch Cuddle

I had a spare moment, so I lay down on the couch. At first, the dogs were otherwise occupied. One wanted me to play fetch, even though I was resting and the other was stretched out on her own piece of furniture. I don't know what it was, perhaps dogs really are sensitive to what you need or perhaps they needed physical affection as much as I did or, perhaps, the couch is simply their favorite spot in the house, but whatever it was they soon joined me on the couch. Not in a chaotic way, mind, but in a soothing way. My dog curled up in the crook of my knees and my friend's dog laid herself down against my chest and let me put my arm around her. We stayed like that, three crammed onto a couch but somehow comfortable, and I felt my soul being nourished.


It was time to celebrate Rob's birthday. It was a few days late, but well worth it. We had had a lovely and filling meal at a Colombian restaurant just a few blocks away and now it was time for karaoke. Now Rob had some ideas about what was good music and while I agreed that a lot of the music I like might not be technically "good," I still wanted to sing it out loudly. Our group joined us a little late, but with drinks and good cheer. A few times throughout the night we managed to find songs we all knew at least the chorus of and we belted them out as the colorful lights danced around us in our private room. And I thought, this, this is living.


I felt the urge to shop. I had found a new site with limited free shipping and great deals. I went a little overboard, ordering gifts for birthdays months in advance. But, after all, I had found the gifts so why shouldn't I buy them (yes, think of that meme)? The trick came when I was winding down for bed and browsing social media. I saw an ad for another sale on another site that had both a lot of my and my friends' fandoms represented in their merchandise. I spent over an hour browsing the site, when I should've been sleeping ultimately deciding on just the two items that the ad had highlighted in the first place (I guess social media really has my number, huh?). I went to sleep slightly satisfied, a tad nervous about money, and wondering what other shopping I could do soon. Luckily, I did not dream of it.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Rocket.17" by catd_mitchell. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


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