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Origin story or first issue of a superhero whose super power is geometry

Arya sat in history class and was bored. She longed to get to geometry, where things made more sense. She liked geometry so much that she had joined the math team to be able to do it more. Okay, there was also the extra time with her friends who loved math as much as she did, but some of the appeal was just the math itself.

Finally the bell rang and Arya had four minutes to get to her geometry class. She passed right by the chemistry class next door where her least favorite teacher was conducting experiments. He needed to be more careful, thought Arya. The teacher had once exploded a glass beaker and not on purpose.

Arya took her seat and excitedly pulled out her notebook. It was her favorite color: hot pink. She assigned her notebook and folder colors in ways that felt right to her. And since geometry was her favorite subject, she made her notebook and folder for it her favorite color.

As the teacher started to go over the most common mistakes from the last quiz, Arya could've sworn she heard a rumbling next door, but she ignored it and tried to keep focusing on the math. 

But then, the white board exploded.

Arya woke up in the hospital, with her head spinning. She vaguely overheard the doctors discussing the removal of pieces of the white board from her body.

"What?" grumbled Arya.

Arya's parents flew to her side and so did the doctor. They all began talking at once, but Arya gathered that the worst teacher in the world had created an explosion that managed to take down not only the white board, but the wall. Arya wasn't the only one hurt, but she was the worst off and was now stable.

Arya felt an odd surge rush through her and she asked for her geometry notebook. Her mom made a quizzical look, but her father ran and got her backpack for her. Arya hurriedly got her notebook out and began drawing the room, asking for measurements.

The doctor, confused, gave Arya her best estimates for lengths, widths, angles. Arya felt compelled to find the volume and area of different shapes as well as estimate angles. The doctor looked over Arya's work and seemed impressed.

"You have a real knack for this," she said. "Were you able to do this before the accident?"

Arya's parents began to talk over each other about how smart and gifted Arya was, but Arya interrupted them, "I'm on the math team, but I don't think I was this good. I definitely didn't feel the need to keep doing geometry like this."

The doctor nodded, "It is possible that the accident has had a deeper affect. The chemicals the teacher was playing around with are dangerous--"

"Dangerous? Am I going to be okay?" asked Arya, panicked.

"Oh yes, my dear. I just have to make a call." The doctor quickly left the room and didn't respond to anything Arya or her parents said. 

A few hours later, the doctor came back in with a man in a black suit. He calmly sat next to Arya and described a shape to her and had her draw it. It was a complex shape, but the man was very precise and Arya drew it, not even needing a protractor to get the angles right. To her shock, but everyone else's fascination, the shape came off the page and into the world.

Arya was in shock, but the man asked her to draw the TV in the room, but so that the area was doubled. Arya did it quickly and the TV morphed shape. 

"What's happened?" asked Arya to the man.

"You're a super hero, kid. Welcome to the team."

And that's the origin story of Super Geometry.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Superhero" by marionberries. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).


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