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Snippets, five

Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently. 

Baked Goods

I'm listening to The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar and it is making me hungry. As the title suggests, it features donuts as well as other sweet treats. It inspired me to buy mini cupcakes today. Books often inspire us, but I've found that romance novels make me yearn. The Dos and Donuts of Love makes me yearn for pastries, but others make me yearn more for love. One book, Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston in particular tugged at my heart. Now I'm not saying that I see myself as a first child of the United States or a member of the British royal family (nor do I know the situation of being in the closet), but the love in it was so passionate that I felt myself once again yearning. My friends have told me that real love isn't like romance novel love and I can accept that, but it doesn't stop me from wanting that love or, perhaps, any romantic love. For now, I will sate myself with words on a page and try to patiently wait for the real thing.


It was my last apartment where I decided I was adult enough to put my posters in frames. It really does transform even a simple postcard into a real piece of art. This was also the first year I bought wall art at my neighborhood art fair and at the nerdy convention I go to. This may seem negligible, but to me it signaled a step forward in adulthood. It also was a step for me in realizing what fair prices for art actually are. As a child, paying $30 for a print seemed insane to me, but now I think that's cheap! I also have embraced that my apartment will always have an eclectic look to it and really I wouldn't have it any other way. I suppose if I ever move in with someone, I will have to compromise. But, for now, I will enjoy putting my knight riding a llama print in a frame beside my gelatinous cube and sunflower print.


I love writing postcards (let me know if you want one!). I have quite a collection of them right now and I wonder if I will ever get through them (seriously, please don't gift me any postcards for several years at least). Right now, as I type this, there is a stack of them on my table. I want to fill them with kind and interesting words, but sometimes I feel at a loss for them. Often I feel I have no news to share, no shiny insights to pass along, no hilarious jokes to crack, but I hope just getting the piece of mail carries with it a little piece of me to my loved ones to let them know I'm thinking of them.


I have acquired several many plants lately. Right now most of them are in boring, plastic pots (or even cups) and I want to put them in something that lights up my brain. I don't know how else to explain the feeling, but there are some objects that I look at and I feel as though someone has flicked a switch in my head. This was how I picked out a lot of things from art prints to D&D dice. I treasure when my brain is aglow because it isn't something I feel all the time. So, that's how I justify buying highland cow, bulbasaur, and cute face planters for my succulents.

To Read

My to read list keeps getting longer, especially if you include my to listen list. It's so long that I forget what's on it and find myself rediscovering titles that I had long forgotten about and my interest is sparked anew. I will be doing posts about some of these titles and I hope that some people will have read some of the titles and can share their thoughts, that others will get excited about these titles and read them themselves, and that still others will help me add to the list. I suppose it's a good thing that I will never have an empty list, but it can feel daunting at times. It can feel like I'll never catch up and I fear that I'll forget about a book and it will somehow be lonely. Now that might sound odd, but I do feel bad having an unread book sit on my shelf.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Donuts" by


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