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Snippets, eight

Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently. 

The Bachelorette

Charity is a great Bachelorette. She's beautiful, kind, and (emotionally) intelligent. I have a friend that I think would make a great Bachelorette too (I even submitted her for The Bachelor as that is the stepping stone to become the Bachelorette). I often wonder how it would feel to be presented with a slew of men who were interested in me. I would never be picked as the Bachelorette as I am simply too large and The Bachelor family of products does ask for height and weight on applications (I am not kidding). But maybe I'd be a good one too? I think I'm kind, funny, and intelligent. I also make some great reaction faces and have high standards which make for great television. I'm also inexperienced which I think could be played up on the Fantasy Suite dates. I have a ton of friends who would come on the show and support me, but also put the men through the wringer. Do you think I'd make a good Bachelorette? Why? If you could pick among your friends, who would you pick to be the Bachelorette (or Bachelor)? Anyone want to talk about this season (I've been taking notes)?


In our jobs we all have to deal with people we dislike, but how we handle it is different. I usually complain to my coworkers and/or friends, but I still deeply resent having to do work with people I don't like. How can I be expected to paste on a smile and help hand out resources to people whose work I despise? How can I remain calm when someone is writing aggressive emails to me? What do I do when someone crosses the (sometimes physical) line? These are all questions I've dealt with throughout my career. Now, don't fret, most people I deal with range from fine to lovely, but there are the occasional people with extreme views, overcomplainers, and sexual harassers (retail life, baby). I hope you never have to deal with people you strongly dislike, but I don't see how we avoid it.


I've become more convinced that dating is just lists. You get lists of people (usually one at a time I suppose) to review. Then a list of matches that will lead to a list of dates (and a list of no dates). Then on dates, you list and list and list. I was on a date the other day and I felt like all I was being asked for is lists. Could I list my favorite fandoms? Could I list what I liked about C2E2? Could I list how I spent time with my friends? Could I list the pros and cons of Hinge? And on and on. I guess lists are how you start out. You have a list of lists and hope that your date's lists overlap, mesh, or fill in your lists. But when do I get to progress past the lists?


I made myself a punch tonight. It features blueberry lemonade sparkling water, mango juice (with lots of sugar), and rum. I wanted to try it out before I made it for the going away party of two dear friends. It is finally starting to sink in that they are leaving for Montréal. I find myself thinking of them as I fall asleep and as I write blog posts (see "15 ways to stay in touch with friends who are far away" and "15 stay in touch scavenger hunt items") and as I let my mind wander during work. These two have become so important to me and now they'll just be gone. We have had some practice with staying in touch, but not across any meaningful borders, and a Zoom hello is not the same as a hug. I know they'll be busy in the coming weeks as they move their whole lives and I'm only a tiny part of that, but maybe, just maybe, they'll remember my goodbye and my tasty punch.


So I've started a new book review blog (you should check it out). I want to get a side gig and I think that reviewing books could be it. It wouldn't be much, but I'd be delighted to make money for reading and rating books. I also hope that it'll get me back into reading, which I've struggled with since the pandemic (and initially during college, but working at a bookstore helped with that). I felt my brain light up as I started my blog, stacked some posts, and looked into how to get ARCs (advance reading copies). And that's a good sign, isn't it? Even if I don't make money, at least my brain will glow.

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"Fruit punch" by Alpha. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0).


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