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Snippets, nineteen

Here are some short pieces based on things that have happened in my life recently.


I have failed to act. At least, that's how it feels with everything going on in the world from the plight in Palestine to the aggressions against abortion rights. I want to do something but I get overwhelmed and, if I'm being honest, too desensitized to everything. News doesn't have the impact on me that it has on others and that makes me feel like a failure. I wish I could get riled up at each news source reporting each new doom, but something in me just stops me. This isn't unique to this time and place. I, sadly, often feel like things don't affect me. I will find myself hanging out with friends and starting to feel myself pull back, almost like I'm operating what I refer to as "Sim Holly." I don't know why I do this, but I know I'm extremely good at compartmentalizing and by extremely good, I mean I do it to an extreme. I sometimes just put things in a box and ignore it completely. I'm not saying this is a good trait by any means. In fact, I feel like I often don't let myself feel things that would be good for me to feel or, at least, important for me to feel. At times though, it has allowed me to survive. I think about the time I spent the night at my dad's after someone had to call the fire department because he'd fallen down drunk. The next day, I had to take him to the ER and I remember repeating to myself internally, "You can panic later." I feel like that's what I'm doing right now. Telling myself I can panic later, but by delaying that panic I am delaying action. I am determined to rectify this.

Fake Dating

So I'm listening to this romance novel that features the trope of fake dating. I have enjoyed this trope in fan fiction before, but I believe this is the first time I'm enjoying it in a more traditional romance novel (however, the fake dating is between a witch and a demon with a soul so perhaps traditional isn't the right word). I don't know why I like this trope. It's inherently ridiculous. I don't know anyone who has fake dated someone and then moved into actually dating someone (I don't think I've known any in the first camp at all, but I feel like there were some possibly fake romances used to cover up sexualities people weren't ready to reveal that I'm not thinking of at the moment). The book, A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, is fun so far. Sure, it's a ridiculous premise, but who cares? I am intrigued and parts of the book are quite steamy. I think it'd make a fun TV show to be honest with you. There are also some well-dropped hints to future plot points that I'm looking forward to and I'm curious to see how they will all resolve. However, I do take reassurance in knowing that all will, ultimately, resolve happily as is the known trait of the genre of romance. Do other people enjoy the fake dating trope? If not, why? And if so, why? I can't really put my finger on it. What other romance tropes do people like (both in fan fiction and non-fan fiction)? I'd love to discuss more with people!

Love is Blind

I've been watching the most recent season of Love is Blind and I have thoughts. Firstly, I think they're spending more time in the pods this season. At least, that's what it feels like. I don't mind this at all as I think it's one of the more interesting parts of the show. I think it's wild that they can only see each other if they get engaged and the show sets them up to get married so quickly. I think I would be down to do this experiment if I could just say I'd date the person on the other side of the wall at the end. I guess the show thrives on high stakes though so perhaps that wouldn't work so well. But still, I kinda wish I'd applied for the Chicago season, mostly to say that I did. I've never applied to a reality TV show before, but I have submitted someone to The Bachelor and that was fun (though she never heard anything from them which I think is insane because she's gorgeous, smart, and kind). I think it'd be fun to say I did apply though. Maybe I should be on the lookout for ones casting in Chicago. Now, I wouldn't be picked for a variety of reasons, but it'd be fun to say I'd tried (or at least I think it'd be fun to say I'd tried). I know one friend who went out for a reality show, but that's it. Maybe I could get my friends to do applications with me and we could make it a fun theme party or something. I wonder which shows all my friends would try out for (I feel like at least one would submit a tape for Survivor--I personally have thought for a while that it'd be fun to be first out on Survivor). Anyways, let me know!

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)

"The Sims 2 - Lighthalzen" by CLF. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic.


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