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15 ways to celebrate Summerween

I have actually attended a Summerween party! These are mostly ideas for a Summerween party.

  1. Carve watermelons like you would a pumpkin (and eat the insides--yum)
  2. Draw jack-o-lantern faces on oranges (it's adorable and more summery)
  3. Watch a summery horror movie (e.g. I Know What You Did Last Summer or Midsommar)
  4. Go to a Ren Faire (I feel like this is a good mix of costumes and summer vibes)
  5. Have a summery costume contest (perhaps specify that all costumes must be summery in some way?)
  6. Bob for oranges (like bob for apples, but more summery)
  7. Do a water balloon toss but dye the water red (bloody good fun)
  8. Throw a costume relay race that features a slip and slide (costume relay races are where one person puts on one piece of a costume, races to the next person who puts that on as well as another item, and so on and so forth until the final, fully costumed person races back to the beginning--anyways, do that but throw in a slip and slide)
  9. Make s'mores (I feel this is both a summer activity and a fall activity)
  10. Play Drip, Drip, Drop but with water dyed red (Drip, Drip, Drop is Duck, Duck, Goose but instead of pats, you drip water until you pick the "goose" and you drop the whole bucket of water on them--dying it red will make everyone into a Carrie--just be sure to warn your guests!)
  11. See if you can find a program to creepily slow down classic summer hits for a party playlist (make 'em spooky!)
  12. Serve ice cream with cookie crumbles and gummy worms to make an ice cream graveyard (like dirt pudding, but ice cream!)
  13. Tell spooky stories around a bonfire/campfire (another summer activity that has spooky vibes)
  14. Use a summery murder mystery party kit (I've seen ones set at a luau or summer camp)
  15. Finally, if somehow you have the budget, launch Halloween-shaped fireworks (this one seems the most difficult to do out of my list, but I figured...why not?)

(Prompt by Kimisha Cassidy)



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