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15 reasons to love Dolly Parton

I'm in Nashville so it feels appropriate.

  1. She is immensely musician (plays like 10 instruments)
  2. She has written an incredible number of fantastic songs
  3. She has a memorable singing voice
  4. She Is a savvy businesswoman with many successful businesses
  5. The company she owned alongside former manager Sandy Gallin produced Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  6. She pays for and mails books to children each month until they’re five years old through her Imagination Library program
  7. She donated  $1 million to COVID-19 research which in part funded the Moderna vaccine
  8. She supports poverty-stricken area in Tennessee where she grew up by providing scholarships, education programs, and money for families in need
  9. All Dollywood employees can get college paid for
  10. She and her husband are very sweet together
  11. She's funny ("I'm not offended by all of the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb … and I also know that I'm not blonde.")
  12. Beyond the examples I've already listed, she is just an incredibly charitable person (I could make a separate list of just times she's given large amounts to charity)
  13. She has a bold style and is proud of it
  14. She made a theme park about herself which is honestly just iconic
  15. She remains humble throughout

(Prompt by me)

"Dolly Parton 1988" by Alejo Castillo. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.


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